The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
I am so late on the trend here. But I have my reasons! I was waiting for my brother to finish reading the book because he got it first and I was trying really hard not to just take it from him and read it. In the end he bought me a copy because he knew he was getting through it really slowly, so thanks Pete! I really enjoyed it and there was a lot of tips in the book that I have heard before and maybe it’s because a lot of the people I follow and read referenced him quite a bit too. I didn’t love his voice though.…
Journal Writing Versus Writing Practice
Episode 003 Welcome back to the Writing Apothecary Podcast. On today’s episode we’re looking at journal writing versus writing practice and we touch on the differences between them. Journal writing has always been a bit scary for me, because I just didn’t really like the idea of diving deeper . It’s an avenue that allows us to express ourselves and understand more about who we are. Getting your thoughts down on the page is important, because you can sift through the noise and explore the different things that come up and shift through them. It’s like shitty first drafts, we have to get them out and then sift through them…
Writing Prompts to get you started
Everyone loves a few good writing prompts and I thought that this would be a great opportunity to give you some more to work with. I used to run a post by play role playing sites and one of the ways we used to allow people to grow was a system where they invested and worked with the writing challenges that were a key part to our portfolio system. . The more out of the box and challenging the more our dear writers pushed themselves and their own characters into creative wonders. As a part of this weeks podcast we have a a list of writing prompts and it’ll start…
Writing Wrap Up February Week 3
I’m trying to get in the habit of doing these, but it’s been quite hard with the podcast editing and general life stuff. But we’re here and we’re doing this. I’ve been trying to go through and edit my novel and it’s a bit of a slow process. I’ve been toying with deleting chapters and once I did I had the instant regret and brought it back again. So it’s meant that I deleted a lot more words than I wrote this week but it was worth it because now I’ve got a better heading on the flashback that I was currently stuck on because I have actually been all…
Tools to get a Healthy Writing Practice
Episode 002 Welcome to The Writing Apothecary Podcast show notes. In today’s episode we cover the tools you need to get your writing practice up to scratch. Writing needs to be a ritual and that helps your writing practice get healthy. We cover the essential tools you need and these are my non-negotiables when it comes to my writing practice. 1. Schedule it in This is so important. If it’s not in your schedule, it doesn’t exist. You schedule your work and your gym classes. Once they’re in, unless you’re sick, you go to them. No matter what. 2. Change it up Finding your space is perfect, but sometimes it…
Walking in This World Week 10
This week was about discovering a sense of camaraderie and my honest thoughts? This week is the bomb, because it is something that we all need as writers. We need to find a cohort of people who just get us, who can be there when we are up and when we get down. How many days this week did you do your morning pages? Not this week, but I’m going to be picking it up as I need it. Something that I know works for me. Did you do your Artist’s Date this week? Well, technically ended up in lockdown again and I was still stick so I didn’t manage…
Intro into Writing Practice
Episode 001 Welcome to The Writing Apothecary Podcast show notes and to our first topic of the month: Writing Practice. In today’s episode we cover jus what a writing practice is and what you need. toget your writing practice healthy. The first is the tried and true method of morning pages. These methods are ones that I have tied and tested myself but just know that these are tools you can take or leave with you. In saying that there are four tools or systems that I use to get the most out of my writing practice. 1. Morning Pages Morning Pages are pages that were dubbed by Julia Cameron…
Walking in This World – Week 9
This week was about discovering a sense of resiliency and this week is fitting because it took me a while to actually finish this chapter because of life, but I’ve been home sick and this has been the perfect excuse to finish the chapter. And I have to say that I really loved this chapter because it was listing and explain all of the problems that we face as writers. The self-doubt, worry, fear, restlessness, self-pity and doubt. How many days this week did you do your morning pages? I started to do them again. But only managed two days so far and I’m ok with this. Did you do…
Welcome to The Writing Apothecary Podcast
Episode 000 Welcome to The Writing Apothecary Podcast show notes. Each week this is where the wrap up the episode will be. Here there will be worksheets, links and quotables from the episode to keep you going. This first podcast is an introduction to me and the podcast. I touch on my degrees and how the podcast will run. The Writing Apothecary Podcast is going to help you unlock your own unique writing ebbs and flows. It’s going to run in the way that we will have threeish episodes on the theory of what the topic is and then it’s followed by a delicious interview with a writer. They may…
Music Makes my Writing World Work
I am a huge fan of music. I have always been. I grew up in a house where Mum would always play music, and would do it at any chance she would get. I have fond memories of dancing to Michael Jackson (Black and White was my favourite) while cooking; singing to Shania Twain, Tina Area and The Corrs while Dad was at work and Mum’s obsession with George Michael where she would play his songs over and over again, real loud. My favourite memory is sneaking out of bed and taking my school made pillow and laying on the floor as she blared Fast Love over and over again,…