NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 20
Today’s wording was a little more productive between all of the things I had to do, which was actually really nice. My fingers, by this stage were actually itching to get some writing done. Today’s session was tempered a little by the fact that I pulled something in my hand again. Every time I seem to think that it’s on the mend I’ll do something stupid like hold my cast iron skillet, that’s heavy as fuck, and think that it’s all good. Nope. Not today. It’s ok though I managed to get a solid session in. But the problem that I have now? Or most of the time? My characters…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 19
Again my writing suffered today. I did not a lot of words and it might be because I’m procrastinating and the story is unknown and unfamiliar to me. To be honest, I don’t really feel like writing, I’ve also had some time at my retail job today and because I’m such an introvert, I always struggle so much when it comes to conversing with people and it’s not that I can’t, it’s that I need to curl up and not talk to a soul for like days afterwards, which is part of the problem when there are people that want your attention or you have more work to do. So,…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 18
Ok, so I’m not perfect and I’m owning that. I wanted to do some writing today, I really did but it was another day that was packed full with things to do. First, I had to vote in a by election, I didn’t quite get organised enough to do a postal vote so I went in and walked the short distance from my apartment to the polling booth, nothing out of the ordinary and I had time between my next outing and when I had to go…did I write? No. Do I feel guilty about that? No. I’m 66,000 words into my NaNoWriMo and I’ve started my second story. I’m…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 17
Well this one is going to be really short. I have every intention of waking up early and writing but guess who went back to sleep and leisurely got up and did nothing before work? This writer. Yeah, I wanted to try and get some writing done after work but I had at date day with my man where we basically bar hopped and drunk our way through it. It was pretty fun, probably something I much needed because I’m always so stuck inside. So, while I had the intention to write, didn’t actually do it. Not even sorry. Words: 0 Distractions: The whole day.
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 16
Dun, dun, duuuun, today I actually started DC. I was going to last night but I got stuck reading and today…today I knuckled down and actually did and I already feel different about this version of it. Perhaps aging the story up was for the better, because Travis seems to be less whiny and less like a jerk…but I can’t actually confirm that yet because I’m not very far in and I’m sure he’ll do something that will make me facepalm and want to kick him out of his own story. It’s also fun to play with Lucy’s cameo because like any series I can’t exactly leave my main character…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 15
My, my, my, it was a really strange writing session, mostly because I killed off a few characters and finished SS. One of my characters that I killed off has actually been with me since the inception of this long narrative, so 15 years ago I came up with this character, along with two others and I had to kill them off. I realised it last year when I was writing this story but I guess the knowledge of that didn’t really sink in and I was actually upset. It was a hard character to part with and I’m trying really hard to keep the lid on who it is…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 14
Words today are hard and mostly because I had a full day at my retail job that involved a lot of actual heavy lifting and to top it off it’s a little warm. I love the warmth, I dislike having to work while it’s warm in a full uniform. Give me shorts and muscle tanks any day and I’ll be a happy lady. I used to be so good at wording when I was exhausted, in fact, my peak hours of writing used to be after Midnight and I’d do my best essays and what not when I was not sleeping. I prided myself on being a night owl…that was…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 13
Today I made a come back, after not writing in my NaNo for four days it was glorious to have my fingers gliding over the keys once again. I can’t tell you how relieving it actually is to feel the flutter of my fingers hitting the keys and while not a lot of my words were spelled right I did manage to get in a solid writing session between folding clothes, attempting to go to the gym, washing sheets and getting to an appointment, not to mention having my cousin and his lovely girlfriend in town. I went out for dinner and it was such a wonderful night. It makes…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 12
Today I’ve done the look over with my essay and wrote up the hardest part: The Dreaded Reference List. Literature uses the MLA system and I’m so used to the Harvard system so I had to do a few double takes with it. But freedom came and I’m done with uni for the semester which also means I can continue on with my NaNoWriMo journey and these entries can be much more fun. I normally would have jumped straight back into writing but it’s been pretty intense with this essay of late and all I wanted to do was binge on some TV shows, I’d started Season 5 of Arrow…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 11
I had a full day at work today and got up early to actually do my essay. I managed to get out the bulk of my writing before work and even took my laptop with me to work so that I could try and get something done, I tried to get some work done during my break, but it was too busy. I did get home and managed to finish my essay and I was done for the night! I rewarded myself by spending the night hanging out with my boyfriend and it was actually nice to not have the stress of this essay in the back of my mind.…