Introduction to Setting
Episode 009 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to a new month and a new topic. This month we’re looking at the backbone of a story. This is a small introduction in to what to expect and how a setting can elevate a character and the story. Without it, you don’t have a story. The major points are: Stories draw on authentic settings on time and place. Writers have the ability to choose to make up places, which works better for them. Setting really is the foundation of a story. We will be covering place and time, as well as looking deeper into setting and time and looking…
Walking In This World Wrap Up
Working through week by week of Walking In this World and here is a collective list of all of my weekly break downs. This book is by far better than The Artist’s Way. I felt like every lesson was so poignant and on point with everything that I am dealing with right now. I hope you guys take the time to pick up this book and work through it. You won’t be sorry. Week 1 – Discovering a Sense of Origin Week 2 – Discovering a Sense of Proportion Week 3 – Discovering a Sense of Perspective Week 4 – Discovering a Sense of Adventure Week 5 – Discovering a…
Voice: An Interview With Peta Hawker
Episode 008 Welcome back to the Writing Apothecary Podcast and to our first guest on the podcast. I am so excited for you guys to meet her. She is an amazing writer and woman and not to mention one of my close friends. She has to be one of my favourite writers so she is such a perfect person to be our first guest on the podcast. After a month of lessons, we break down Peta’s character voice and how she differentiates the different voices in her debut novel. And really we go on tangents about characters and what they mean to us. The main points of our chat is:…
Walking in this World – Week 12
The last week of Walking in this World and we’ve done it. I’m at the end. It was a bit bittersweet because I loved so much of this book. There wasn’t anything that I didn’t feel deep in my soul. It’s like she was inside my brain when she wrote this and it was amazing. All of it. The last week is about discovering a sense of dignity. How many days this week did you do your morning pages? I was away for the beginning of the week but I feel like I’m finding that I am craving to sit down and do some morning pages. This tends to happen…
Other Ways to Use Voice
Episode 007 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to our last lesson on Voice. This week we’ll be looking at other ways to find voice and how to use it because there are other ways of using that we haven’t covered. The different voices that don’t fit into the box are: Diary/journal entry kind of voice Stream of consciousness No grammar or punctuation Style choices Stylistic expressions goes hand in hand with voice. Looking at your sentence length, your grammar and your punctuation as it will allow your reader to see more about your character without you stating the obvious about them. Your choices for your character voice…
Walking in this World – Week 11
This week was about discovering a sense of authenticity. There is so much to this that makes it a perfect week for me. It’s about dropping into what is creatively right for you and really digging in. I keep saying that every single week is amazing and it is, it all hits straight home with what I’m currently going through and that is something that I love. Is it hard? Yes, but I love every bit of it. How many days this week did you do your morning pages? I feel like I should stop stop making this a thing, I don’t feel like I can really commit to daily…
The Types of Voice
Episode 006 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to our second lesson on Voice. This week I’ve broken down the ways that voice can show up in your writing. The most important takeaway from last week is that we need to learn to separate our writerly voice from our own authorial voice. Can we do that? Yes! And here’s the way that it can be done. For this week I’ve drawn on the help from The Gotham Writers’s Workshop Writing Fiction resource (I love this book, it has so much in it and it’s so rich with info to help you as a writer) The types of voice:…
Welcome to Voice
Episode 005 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and I’m so excited that we’re looking at a new topic for the whole month. And this month we’re looking at Voice! We’re looking at Voice!! And something I really love to work on with my own writing and my clients is differentiating my own writerly voice from that of my characters. It’s a bit tricky to get the balance right, but when you do? You’re a step closer to an amazing book. Here are some of the takeaways from the podcast: Voice is that something special that your story needs, without it, your piece doesn’t have any life. It’s easy…
Writing Wrap up March Week 1
I did a thing. I deleted a chapter. Like poof. It went away. (I didn’t really deleted it, I used the snapshot function on Scrivener to keep it close), but I did it and rewrote it and it transformed into a beast. Like my character found a letter and there was a huge bombshell dropped…and it happened way earlier than I expected. So this means I actually managed to get a lot of writing done, this week’s writing wrap up is a good one. I also discovered The Word Alive’s album that was released last year….this has been a huge motivator to get me to write. I need audio to…
The Effects of a Healthy Writing Practice
Episode 004 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary Podcast and to our very last episode on Writing Practice. It’s been so fun to go through the fundamentals of what a writing practice is. In today’s podcast we’re looking at what effects a healthy writing practice can have for your writing life. Here is some of the great effects of a healthy writing practice: A daily/week/regular writing time. You’ve put in the long yards and you’re working it hardcore. You take more risks. As you build your writing practice, you’re more inclined to take risks to get you to where you want to be. You find your writing jam. This gives…