• Believe In Yourself & Do What You Love by Kate James

    I have a book problem. It’s not like I hide it but there is a problem where I tend to buy books that I think will love and most of them (at the moment anyway) are self-help book which is not a bad thing, only when you have same brainness with your bestie and she rocks up with two books that you already own. Oh, the giggles, I actually made a bit of a promise to myself this year, but knowing me I probably won’t keep it because I’m fancy like that. And I’m really just addicted to buying books, but it’s to not buy any more self-help books until…

  • 10 Healty Habits

    10 Tips To Help Your Writing Mental Health

    I’m always learning new things about myself and my writing mental health, and one of the best things I’m learning about is how to make myself feel better and work better. And because you too deserve to work at your optimum potential I’m sharing 10 of my best writing mental health tricks and because I love to break the rules you get a bonus one too (sneak peak, it’s my favourite of all of them). So, sit back and start your check list, don’t forget to leave me some love in the comments too. Learn to be gentle with yourself: Life throws you curveballs it’s not how you react to…

  • The Artist’s Way – Week 5

    This week with The Artist’s Way was all about recovering a sense of possibility. The topic that were covered included: limits, finding the river, the virtue trap, forbidden joys and a wish list exercise What would you do if you had an unlimited amount of money and time? What wouldn’t you do, should probably be the right answer there. It’s been a fun week and I managed to get most of the exercises done too. Which was actually really fun. Morning Pages: There’s been a lot of things that I’ve had to process and a lot of it just didn’t want to come out onto the page, I like this…

  • 25 Ways I Procrastinate

    Procrastination is a constant ugly thing I have to deal with every day. And even more so when I sit down to actually write. A second draft is always the hardest for me. It’s why I generally push publish on blog posts after instantly writing them because otherwise I get way too pedantic about them and will nitpick at them until the cows come home. Because even as a writing coach, copywriter and editor, I still have that same that same niggling with my Inner Editor and while I have the tools to help get me through that there are still times where I know that I will do anything…

  • The Artist’s Way – Week 4

    Week Four of The Artist’s Way came and went and it wasn’t as bad as initially thought it was going to be and the reading deprivation wasn’t all that hard, but it just meant that I got intimate with cleaning, changing my wardrobe and rearranging furniture. The topics that were covered this week weren’t as many as the previous weeks and exploring the recovery of a sense of integrity was an interesting week, with the reading deprivation being the biggest topic. There was aslo honest changes and a buried dreams exercise. Morning Pages: I missed a few days with my morning pages this week, mostly because I’d get up with…

  • The Artist’s Way – Week 3

    Here we are at another week of The Artist’s Way. Okay, so I may have stretched this out a little when I took a bit of a break so it’s slightly cheating but I enjoyed it regardless. I actually was doing this week over New Years back home and I started the year of sick, but I got my butt to the beach where I did my morning pages and took a really cold dip in the water to wake me up. It was really cold, but hey my sinuses were clear for a short time! Ha! I’m going to break this down a little more with the roundup and…

  • 2017 Reading Challenge

    It’s a new year and I think it’s a perfect time to hit up a great reading challenge because we all need to get more reading into our lives. I’ll be sharing this on my social media as well as attempting to use Pinterest too, but that’s another hurdle, maybe one I’ll try to attempt this year? Who knows, anyway. I’ve never really played with reading challenges because, well except if it’s to read a number of books in a certain time…I’m okay at that (when I had much more time, I used to be a pro at it!) but this is new even for me. So, while this is…

  • 2017 TBR Pile

    It’s a new year and while I’ve been flittering between Melbourne and Adelaide I decided to sit down and write up a list of book that I want to read this year. One of my goals for the year is to read more. A few years back I had a goal to read 50 books before July hit and I hit it. Since then I’ve struggled to get more than 30 in a year, or even up to that. A lot of that has been because I was studying or I had an RPG I was roleplaying on. Excuses, responsibilities, yadda yadda yadda. So here’s my list, hopefully, there are…

  • The Artist’s Way – Week 1

    I decided to restart studying The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron because I wanted to see it through. When I came back from Bali I brought this book to and from with me as something to read and I never got to it until I was on my flight home from Adelaide. I’d heard lots about it, but I never actually sat down to do it and now here I am, doing it. I’m also going to document it. I’m going to go through week by week and hold myself accountable on here for it. That way I can’t actually slack off. I’m not blocked, let’s just get that straight…

  • Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell

    My skin feels tight, my body seems ready for what’s to come and I can already feel the shifts. I finished this book in record time, in comparison to its sister book Light is the new black. I struggled so hardcore to finish and let myself get distracted and put off by the hugeness of the actual book, but once I was done with it I could understand why. It was a book that cracked me wide open, Campbell has a way of writing that gets right into the spaces between and really exposes those cracks. And while I thought I was ready for it, I soooo wasn’t. Rise sister…