• Faded Fragments: A Nexus Series Novel

    Faded Fragments. Two words that came to me after I decided to change the original name of my novel (fyi it was first dubbed Kiss of The Dead and I used the font Papyrus to write it.) I was 14 when the story first came to mind. It started with a scene and to be honest it started as a result of finally seeing The Mummy and falling more in love with Ancient Egyptian mythology (and a young Brendan Fraser…let’s be real, Rick was and still is the dreamiest man ever). The first draft of FF was messy, it was incomplete and was just a scene with minimal action and…

  • girl walking on the beach with the writing apothecary words next to her

    Genre: Interview with Urban Fantasy Writer Lindsay Elizabeth

    Welcome back to another episode of the Writing Apothecary Podcast and today do I have an amazing guest for you this week. As we look at our last lesson on genre we have the most amazing guest on board. Lindsay is such an amazing writer and so sweet. Our chat left me energised and so excited to tackle what was coming up. We chat about her favourite genres and what genre tropes work the best to entice readers. We go on a Nora Roberts tangent that brings us right back to mixing genres and how successful it is once you know the rules and you’re able to break them and…

  • Music Makes my Writing World Work

    I am a huge fan of music. I have always been. I grew up in a house where Mum would always play music, and would do it at any chance she would get. I have fond memories of dancing to Michael Jackson (Black and White was my favourite) while cooking; singing to Shania Twain, Tina Area and The Corrs while Dad was at work and Mum’s obsession with George Michael where she would play his songs over and over again, real loud. My favourite memory is sneaking out of bed and taking my school made pillow and laying on the floor as she blared Fast Love over and over again,…

  • Walking in This World – Week 8

    Another week down. This week is about the sense of discernment and it couldn’t be more timely, really. I’ve had a lot of things happen recently and I think that, as always this workbook is hitting me in all the right places when I don’t realise it.  How many days this week did you do your morning pages? I started to do it consistently and I slipped them in when I needed them. So it was whenever i could fit it in and I made sure that even if it was a paragraph it still counted as morning pages.  Did you do your Artist’s Date this week? I did! I…

  • My Journey: Writing for an entire semester

    Ever wonder what it would be like to have the chance to write for an entire semester at uni and get feedback on what you did? Yeah me too. And then I got the chance to do it. It was so surreal, to know that I could spend 13 weeks doing something that I loved doing the most: writing. And that was it. There were no actual online posts I had to do. I didn’t even need to workshop if I didn’t want to. I just had to do what I have always wanted to do in a subject: just write. It sounded like bliss. My excitement was so vivid.…

  • Treachery in Death

    For anyone who doesn’t know, I adore JD Robb’s books. I haven’t read any of Nora Roberts’ romance novels but her crime fiction? It’s out of this world good. I got too busy to read so I’m waaaaay behind with her In Death series and honestly? I’m also a little bitter about the covers changing. They were these gorgeous black covers with a flower or some sort of item that worked with the story, they all had a different colour and it was so exciting to see what the next cover would be. This book changed it from that to a completely different cover, one where there are more humans…

  • Walking In This World – Week 3

    This week is all about discovering a sense of perspective and the main topics of focus were medicine and how creativity is healing in itself, something that I’ve known for some time but it’s nice to see someone else bring it to the forefront and really it was probably the part that had me nodding hardcore with everything. Cameron also goes into depth about how art is therapeutic and not just therapy, I’d have to say that this has to be my most favourite Week, so far. It’s perfect in every way. The last part of the chapter is how artist’s are cartographers in that they are able to map…

  • Walking in this World – Week 2

    This week was all about discovering a Sense of Proportion. And setting boundaries. 1. How many days this week did you do your Morning Pages? I’ve been more inconsistent with my Morning Pages, mostly because I think I’m avoiding. Or I make the excuse that I’m too tired, so it’s been a little while. I’d probably say I only did it like 2 or 3 times. I know I need to get really moving with this. I might have to cut the three page limit to something that is more managable for me. 2. Did you do your Artist’s Date this week? I took myself out of the house and…

  • I have Writer’s Block

    Did that get your attention? I bet it did. It got mine when I realised that I had it. But it’s not what you think. I’m not physically blocked. Not like when Dad passed away and I had to deal with the tangle of emotions I had before I could push through the fog to get there, definitely not like that. I can still write. I write almost every day. Emails. Text messages. Instagram posts. Love notes. Lists. Card explanations. University assignments. Forum replies. I write a lot but I find that I don’t have enough time to relaly write. Did I just echo what you feel? It’s hard to…