• Writing Wednesday

    Here we are for another Writing Wednesday! I hope you all had a great November! I sure did keep those writing fingers going, it’s worth it, I promise! Today’s writing prompt is all about staying alive! Here we go: A gunshot sounds and you need to go, run as fast as you can. Who’s chasing you? Where are they? Explain it out in details. Give it a go and hit me back with your tries! Also don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter and send in your great content for Sharing Sunday! Christmas time is upon us soon, I want to see some Christmas Stories!  

  • Writing Wednesday

      So I missed Sharing Sunday, I was super busy with going to the color run with my Mum and then having my godson and his parents and grandma come over for dinner and I was busy swooning over his pretty little head that it totally slipped by me! Now that I’m back in Melbourne I’m adjusting to being back better, looking for a car and generally trying to get back on track (can you say going back to the gym hurts, ouch!) but I’m here and ready wit today’s writing prompt! Think fire, candles, pyromania. Your characters is a pyromaniac, what is three things that they would torch first…

  • Sharing Sunday – Slipping into Place

    Firstly, Happy Father’s Day to all of the Aussies father’s out there. You deserve a day to be pampered, because you all do such great jobs. Today my koumbaro gets to celebrate his first Father’s Day with little Eli, who is just heavenly! Now onto the real reason we’re here. It’s Sharing Sunday and today I’ve got a racy piece for you. Ru is brilliant with words and I really do love reading everything of hers. She’s lent me this beautiful piece about a character that lives in her head. A dainty and hardassed sphinx. I should just warn you all it’s a little bit racy, so if you’re not…

  • Writing Wednesday

      Today’s Writing Wednesday is a little late, I had to work at my retail job and then jump onto a bus, which I nearly missed but ran to get, to start my internship for the week which involved us finally getting somewhere! Yessss. Finally. I’m off to Sydney tomorrow for BEAus, way excited, hopefully things go smoothly! Describe your characters favourite stuffed toy. What’s the memory attached to it? Why is it so significant to their lives? How long have they had it. Send me your tries if you want some feedback to my email. Do itttt. Don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter and check out Sharing…

  • Camp NaNoWriMo

    So I’ve spent the last month writing, editing and trying to get two books (maybe three?) done at once. I’m pretty sure I’m burning myself out and it’s actually starting to seem like a bit of a struggle, but I did it for the soul reason that I’m actually doing something to change the rut I’ve been in. It’s made me not want to write a blog post (which means I’ve missed bits and pieces) but here I am, writing about not writing posts, what a conundrum. So with Camp NaNo this month, I was confronted with the fact that the last one I did was cut short because of…

  • Writing Wednesday

    I almost forgot about today’s post. I’ve been having a hard time with catching up on sleep and managing some of my stress levels, but I promise I’ll try and get better. Today’s Writing Wednesday is spawned by the song I’m listening to right now. You’ll be thankful. Burning, crashing, the place is coming down…how are you getting out of it? Use this prompt and tell me how you go. Sometimes fire can be cleansing. In case you haven’t seen it, my writing journal is now free with a subscription to my newsletter. What are you waiting for?  

  • Writing Wednesday

      And today’s Writing Wednesday exercise is all about a peephole! You know it’s not as dirty as it sounds, I promise. You look through the peephole of your front door and see a face. Play out the story. Start with: I wish I came from a small family…. Leave me a note in the comments if you use it!

  • Writing Schedule

    Okay I’m putting my foot down and starting a writing schedule. I haven’t done it in the past but I’m going to have to learn, I’m getting sick of this crazy writing whenever it strikes me thing and all of this waiting. So I’m setting one up. I’m going to lower my word count from 2000 to something under 1000 possibly 850 because I can do that in my sleep. Most of my blog posts have been half way to there, but not quite enough. So tomorrow I’m going to wake up tomorrow and get out of bed with the motivation to write at least 400 words before breakfast, if…

  • Writing it Out: Some Healthy Advice

    Since writing the short story, I’ve been trying to get my novel back on track. I’ve been trying to set myself small goals. 500 words here, 800 words here. It seems that only in times of transit (I’ve been to Bendigo and I’m currently back in Adelaide for a few weeks) I’ve reached over 1000 words. I’m just not feeling the writing and I had been stuck on various bits of my novel and the words are just not coming out. I’m too hard on myself. I know that I am and it’s not something that is going to change. It’s just my nature but instead of actually forcing myself…

  • It’s Time to Build a Great Short Story

    Last week I wrote about being museless, today I’m hear to tell you, my lovely dreamers, that I wrote a short story. Last night I crept out of my room, fed up with my brother’s snoring (seriously how the hell can he keep it up ALL night?) I started up my laptop, lit a few candles and went through my hard drive for a starter and found two I liked. I picked one that pulled me a little more intense and started writing. I didn’t really know where it was going but it ended up being a short story from a different book with a character whom I had no…