• Book Review: Write Every Day

    I stumbled along this book while I was looking for bottles at Target, and I was a bit wary about this. Mostly because it was so ridiculously bright and because I groaned about yet another book about Creative Writing. Pale purple with a big pop of almost neon orange are definitely not something that makes me want to buy a book. I know, we’re all told not to judge a book by its cover, but let’s be real, we all do it and that’s something that isn’t going to change for me. I will admit that I have bought my fair few books that are just plain pretty and have…

  • Walking in this World – Week 5

    This week is all about Discovering a sense of personal territory and I feel that this was definitely something that I found I resonated with the most. All of the essays are definitely hitting home with collecting my energy, saying no where it counts and really digging in. I feel like WITW is talking to many parts of me, just as TAW had. How many days this week did you do your Morning Pages? I have been better than before but to be honest? Not many. It hard with everything else going on but I’m working on it. Something I’ve been really careful with is not beating myself up about…

  • Book Review: Being Boss

    I had this written out and my computer seemed to have lost it, which is so frustrating but here we are, again. But also I guess I deserved it, I didn’t save it properly. One of the things I always, alllllwaaays stress is to back up your words or at least implement autosave, I have no idea why mine didn’t do it, but whatever. Clearly it just meant that I had to write it again. I don’t know about you, but I love listening to podcasts and one of the podcasts I really love is Being Boss with Kathleen Shannon and Emily Thompson. It’s full of so many great tips…

  • Writing Wrap Up

    11/5-17/5 I had wanted to get this up on Monday but then I updated my website and it broke, twice. Go figure. My web guy got it back for me and I haven’t put that plugin back on. Maybe I didn’t need it in the end. Anyway, moving forward. I thought that it would be cool to actually sit down and see what would happen if I noted what I wrote in a week, and it was really interesting because I used to always think that writing a little bit every day was good and it some cases it is but as I integrate  working part time with a big…

  • Fury by Rachel Vincent

    Ahh the lucky last book on The Menagerie Trilogy: Fury by Rachel Vincent. If you’ve followed along, you’ll know what I’m talking about but if you haven’t here’s my review of Book 1 and Book 2. I have to say that I forgot that I had this, it’s been a little bit stressful and I’ve been consumed by work and my health. I’m going to do an update real soon about my health, I’m managing it but I don’t want it to take over this review. Let’s get into it, but also beware, there may be some spoilers. Fury is the final instalment into the Menagerie Trilogy and where we…

  • Walking in this World – Week 4

    This week is all about discovering a sense of adventure and looking at personal baggage. The essays are about claiming a great sense of freedom and just how to dismantle unconscious mechanisms that have been put in place to stop artistic expression. Cameron focuses on just how much self-acceptance is the route to self-expression. Most of these essays seem to be talking right at me and it’s something How many days this week did you do your Morning Pages? I’ve turned a new page! Literally. I’ve started to make sure that I’ve been making time to do them, and if it’s not in the morning, I’m doing them when I…

  • Walking In This World – Week 3

    This week is all about discovering a sense of perspective and the main topics of focus were medicine and how creativity is healing in itself, something that I’ve known for some time but it’s nice to see someone else bring it to the forefront and really it was probably the part that had me nodding hardcore with everything. Cameron also goes into depth about how art is therapeutic and not just therapy, I’d have to say that this has to be my most favourite Week, so far. It’s perfect in every way. The last part of the chapter is how artist’s are cartographers in that they are able to map…

  • Walking in this World – Week 2

    This week was all about discovering a Sense of Proportion. And setting boundaries. 1. How many days this week did you do your Morning Pages? I’ve been more inconsistent with my Morning Pages, mostly because I think I’m avoiding. Or I make the excuse that I’m too tired, so it’s been a little while. I’d probably say I only did it like 2 or 3 times. I know I need to get really moving with this. I might have to cut the three page limit to something that is more managable for me. 2. Did you do your Artist’s Date this week? I took myself out of the house and…

  • Walking in This World – Week 1

    Here we are again! Another Julia Cameron book, another 12 weeks to get through. I debated doing a read through and then going back and not doing it, but I couldn’t help myself, I have to go through an do it week by week, even if it means I may mess up, but you know what? I’m ok with that. This week was all about discovering a Sense of Origin. 1. How many days this week did you do your Morning Pages? I managed to get, maybe, 4 out of the 7 days? I think. It’s been a tough week this week. I’ve had to get up and really push…

  • Triggers Help Heal You

    A few weeks back I went to dinner with two of my girlfriends and we were talking about a couple of people that we had followed and what not and it was amusing because I’d just seen that a few of them had brought out books recently and I was really triggered by that. I can’t even say was yet. I still am triggered. They wrote books. And got them published. And that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do since I was first exploring the word of writing. But the real thing here is that I didn’t say anything until I saw a mutual follower between one of my friends…