The Perspective of an Amateur, and his two cents.
Today’s post is a little special. I’ve been trying to rattle my friends for guest posts and when I say rattle it’s more like, hey you, write me a guest post. The next question I get is: about what? I kind of just stare at the screen when or them when that happens, because here are these amazing writer friends and their first question is about what? My answer is anything! The brains of writer’s are freaking amazing. I am always and continually in love with the amazing brains of some of the beautiful writers in my life. So without further ado here’s Andy’s guest post. Mandi asked me…
Writing Wednesday
I really love getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city and sitting down with friends who I classify as family and just taking time away to recharge. It always makes me feel so good! Today’s Writing Wednesday writing prompt is brought to you by the purring bundle of fluff in my lap. Pets have such an important role in life and I known since getting my own I’m a little happier and better off in my life. What’s your dream pet? What sort of personality traits would you wish they had. Do you guys have a pet? If you do, let me know in the comments what…
Writing Wednesday
Wednesday has rolled around again and I’m putting the final touches to my coaching packages for you. I’m really excited, I spent the other day adding little bits of sparkle to my online home, there are some other exciting changes coming around the corner too. But enough about there, here is today’s Writing Wednesday prompt. It’s all about nature. Take a step outside. What do you smell? What do you hear? Explore it. Don’t forget to send your tries for a chance for free editing to dreaming (at) dreamingfullyawake (dot) com
Writing Wednesday
I think I’m starting to see the beauty of Winter, while I don’t like the cold, I do love being able to go inward and really start working on me. This year I’m starting to unravel the blocks I have in my life right now. They’re stopping me from really achieve what I need to be doing. But I’ll get there! Today’s Writing Wednesday prompt is about the layers of winter. It’s cold and dreary but the layers that you work through are warm and bright. Explain how you could get to them. Send all tries to dreaming(at)dreamingfullyawake(dot)com for a chance at free editing.
Writing Wednesday
I feel that this week will be a big one and I’m cruising through it. Not quite sure how that happened, but I’m going with it. I’m writing this from my bed, because I can and I’ve been trying to catch up on all of my lost sleep. A hard feat! Today’s Writing Wednesday prompt is a fun one. And a throw back to me wanting warmth back. This chilly winter is getting the better of me. It’s time to go to the beach of the day, do you pack with you? Why do you pack what is coming with you? Feel it out. That’s right, feel it out. Don’t forget…
Writing Wednesday
I’ve been busily working behind the scenes for some really exciting things. Keep an eye out for the announcement really soon. As for today’s Writing Wednesday it’s all about winter. It’s getting bloody colder here by the day and it makes me want to curl up with a blanket, a cup of tea and good book but alas there’s much to do! Your character is forced to go outside in the chill of the early morning. What do they put on and how does it make them feel? What are their layers like? Send all your entries to dreaming(at)dreamingfullyawake(dot)com for a change at free editing.
Writing Wednesday
I love Wednesdays! The middle of the week is here but more so Writing Wednesday has snuck up on us again. I’ve been busy writing little bits and pieces of my writing practice coaching course and jotting down great little nuggets of inspiration for my creativity workshop that’s happening later on in the year. Yay! Cleaning can be both therapeutic and annoying (ha!) what processes do you go through when cleaning and what sort of cleaning do you do? (hint: mentally, emotionally, physically). Don’t forget to send your entires to dreaming(at)dreamingfullyawake(dot)com
Writing Wednesday
Writing Wednesday is here again! Yay. The weather has taken a right turn towards the chill of winter. I was okay with the first week of the chill now I’m thoroughly over it, but I think a lot of it is because I have to wear boots instead of pretty slip on shoes. Just ugh. Anyway, today’s writing prompt is about winter. So let’s see what you come up with. Layers, chill and rain are all apart of winter, how do you deal with them? What do you do with them? Use details about the climate and make it reflect through your piece. Don’t forget to send entries to…
Writing Wednesday
Oh hey there! I took a little bit of a break from Writing Wednesday’s because…well I needed it. And I’m glad that I did. I’m back with a renewed sense of zing. Let’s do this baby! Today’s prompt is about getting out into nature. You’re travelling in the middle of a rainforest and you meet an animal, what animal is it and do they say or do anything? Don’t forget to send me your tries to dreaming(at)dreamingfullyawake(dot)com for a chance to get some free editing! Also leave me a comment if there’s a writing prompt that you’d love to see up here!
Writing Wednesday
Writing Wednesday comes along always too quickly! Today’s writing prompt is always one of my favourites, it includes music. Find your favourite song and pic three lines of lyrics from it and write a story using them. Send all of your tries to dreaming(at)dreamingfullyawake(dot)com for a chance to get featured. Also don’t forget about my giveaway, it’s happening right now and there’s only a few days to go!