NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 10
No writing today, I was focusing on my essay and getting somewhere, I’m pretty sure the next few days there are going to be a lot of short updates where I haven’t done much writing but my essay. Not even sorry, but I wanted to be done with this by now. It’s tough and I’m pretty much doubting everything I’m writing because essays are hard for me to do. A short and sweet update that’s all I’ve got today. Sometimes these might be big, sometimes these might be short but my whole idea behind this is to show just how fickle my writing can be and just how much I…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 8
Today I’ve done no writing in my NaNo. Still a little brain dead, but I did a little in my essay, not much and not anything really I could talk about, but I did take time to just feel into how I was feeling and what I was feeling. I also had my boyfriend come over and we watched movies. Probably something I needed more than actually writing because my brain was not there at all. It was also my first day back at work in a week and I have to say it was a bit of a struggle. I needed the break for my sanity and my creativity…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 7
Today was a tough day, I had to do more of my uni work but really I procrastinated and wrote in my nano story. I didn’t get very much farther than yesterday and because I was trying to actually get my essay done, but I actually gave up on functioning at like 2 pm and retreated to my bed for the rest of the afternoon. My cycle started and my brain just fritzed so I just watched movies but I did manage to do some writing. I did a lovely 5 minutes sprint with an awesome insta-friend, so that helped. This is also a dilemma when I slow down, the…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 6
Today…it was the day to actually start on my essay and while I have the plan for it I managed to get like 200 words done on it and I found a few sources to use…but I actually have to go through and read those…go figure. But I managed to get up and just go to the shops, because sometimes I need to get myself out of the actual house and while I had no kitten to cuddle (well I have my cat, but he resists love toooo much!) I just needed to get out and really I wanted to get some salt lamps and some food. I think I…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 5
I’m faced with a courtroom scene and I’ve never had to do something of the kind, which was really challenging because I’m not up on the lingo. I’m sure I could ask someone in the chat about it but this is NaNo, and I’ve got no real time to ask these sorts of questions. So I managed to get through that, with my antagonists showing up and basically proving my characters innocence, which worked out a lot better than I wanted it to. Thanks for that. I also hit 50,000 today!! It’s not my record but I did do pretty well considering I actually wanted ot hit I yesterday. And…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 4
Today was slow going because I wanted to get more done but I was distracted by lunch, my best friend and driving home. To say that Bendigo and my best friends magic writing house isn’t a blessing would be a lie. I’ve come back rested and rejuvenated and 37k deep in the story…well technically it’s over 140k deep into this story and it’s still unraveling. It’s challenging me because I had some plans but my characters keep throwing that out of the window and even as I get there, there’s still more. The major scenes for today was one that I never ever planned on having, my gang of misfits…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 3
Today words seemed to just flow much better, perhaps it was because I got some Reiki today and it shifted me about a little and I was actually able to just relax and really get into the story more. Or perhaps I also managed to have the whole house to myself, which meant I could reward myself with kitten cuddles, food trips and a chance to ground myself in the grass. But things just made more sense. It was really nice. I did actually allow myself a chance to take life as it came and it also happened that today I was tired as fuck, so I ended my night…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 2
Today was tough as shit. I had so many issues with the story, nothing was gelling and I couldn’t get very far with what was going on in the story. I hit the dreaded week two on day two…go figure. I had the same thing happen to me last year and my hopes and dreams of hitting 50k in two days was definitely dashed by today. I did manage to pick myself up with consecutive word wars to do a neat amount of words. Lucy and Hunter did manage to finally have a scene together did involve a dream romp. It was so nice to have them on the same…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 1
Today is the day, NaNoWriMo is here and I’m ready. I’ve decided that I’m going to document my writing days and what I do. I’ve never done this and I know that I may actually fall off doing this but it doesn’t matter. This is a look into what and how I manage to write so fast and so much in so little time. Most could say that I’m probably cheating but I don’t edit, I don’t even fix up spelling mistakes and that’s just how I manage to get so many of the words out on the page. I also touch type so I can just speed along, that…