Welcome to Creativity and the Muse
Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary Podcast and to a new topic. Whew, it was a lot and it has taken me so long to get here. To be honest? In all of that I was also fine tuning my novel. I released an aesthetic video on TikTok and Insta with a date, but that didn’t happen. But I just sent my copy edits back to my editor and she’s doing the line edits before I get my manuscript ready for my proof reader. And all the while I’ve done that I’ve just sent it to some beta readers because I’m seriously doubting my vision and the way the story…
I have Writer’s Block
Did that get your attention? I bet it did. It got mine when I realised that I had it. But it’s not what you think. I’m not physically blocked. Not like when Dad passed away and I had to deal with the tangle of emotions I had before I could push through the fog to get there, definitely not like that. I can still write. I write almost every day. Emails. Text messages. Instagram posts. Love notes. Lists. Card explanations. University assignments. Forum replies. I write a lot but I find that I don’t have enough time to relaly write. Did I just echo what you feel? It’s hard to…
The Seven Stages of Creativity
Creativity is a mystery that we all try to pinpoint. And I really started to unfold this mystery with a quote that I open up my computer to every morning when I power it up and that’s: You can’t use up Creativity. The more you use, the more you have – Maya Angelou I have the last two sentences of this quote set up as a wallpaper on my computer and I have to tell you, it took me hours to find it, so it seemed perfect to start this blog post off with a quote like that because it’s perfect in every way. I wholeheartedly believe that the more…
Creativity: The Monster That Is
Creativity is always changing. It’s beautiful and dangerous. It’s never tied down and it’s ever flowing, but do we always listen to its call? Many of us don’t like to listen to it. Or even acknowledge that it’s there. I feel that lawyers, doctors and the likes all ignore the call of creativity in favour for something that is rigid and structured, don’t get me wrong I know a lot of lawyers and doctors and the like and they LOVE what they’re doing. It gives them the same rush that I get out of sitting down and doing the work, so who am I to talk? But I really want…
Are you ready to be Bloghearted too?
Another release of Bright-Eyed and Bloghearted is coming around the corner on June 1st and it’s going to be the only one for 2015 because our beautiful leader, Rachel McDonald, is going to bring her her little bloghearted boy into the world this year! Yay. Now this course, oh gosh, this course has actually been a life saver. It’s content is rich and it’s given me the push to do what I want, you see I was doing BEBH next to B-School and I found that I got more out of Bloghearted alone. I was able to do my about page and share it with the beautiful woman in the…