• Characters in your Life

    Characters have a funny way of getting deep into your heart and setting up shop, it’s very much like when you meet new people and they become more than an acquaintance for you. They become friends and eventually you regard your friends as the family you’ve chosen. You love your friends and if you have a healthy relationship with your friends, you’ll never fight, you’ll have arguments but they’ll ever tell you what is wrong with you in the heat of the moment and damage your relationship. They’ll raise you up and praise you and most importantly they’ll be there when you need them. Characters from your writings are very…

  • How Powerful Can Books Be?

    Books save lives. I know that they saved mine. I have never been a kid that was suicidal, or had thoughts of just being over with this life, but I was fed up with how I was being treated. I was bullied at school it didn’t stop until I hit university. So for almost 13 years straight I was bullied because I was Greek; because I was too nice; because I wanted to get to know everyone; because I wanted to be friends with everyone; because I got to be friends with the new people before anyone else. I don’t know what their reasoning was, it just was. I resisted…

  • Writing Wednesday

      I’m in Adelaide for the Writers’ Week that starts on Saturday and I’m a little excited to get to volunteer for it. Woop but in saying that today’s Writing Wednesday is probably one of my favourite things to write about. I like testing the boundaries in stories and I love characters that do it even more. It’s like a pet love of mine. I have no idea why, but today’s prompt is all about that. You’re character has just been given an order to not go out in the shit storm that’s about too happen, but of course they are. Explain what happens and how they test the boundaries…

  • Why Readers Love Flawed Characters

    Today I’ve got a post that I probably started a few times over. I struggled with it, because I’m having a hard time writing anything and I’m having a hard time shaking off the doubt monster but today I’m back with a post about why readers love flawed characters, but to get there first I needed to talk about a few things involving writing. So hopefully you enjoy it. Writing is an immensely personal thing, everyone who is a writer understands that, but the writers without a thick skin tend to get left behind. They tend to take any sort of feedback and get defensive and take it as an attack…

  • Inside the mad rush for 50k – NaNoWriMo 2014

    So before I started writing for NaNoWriMo this year, I had decided I was going to try and update every day to see how I go with things. Guess what happened? Yeah, you guessed right. This little writer got herself so caught up in writing that I did nothing but write. And eat. And sleep. And write some more.I reached 50k at the start of this morning, but I’m technically counting it as three days, because really, that’s all it’s been to me. This story took my by surprise in many ways. Firstly Devin’s story is supposed to be the third book in my series, but secondly it’s got different…

  • Character Interview Part two

    I had a thought, while I’m going through and fixing up my second draft I remembered the character interview that was one of the exercises for my writing project class a couple of years ago and I had it on file, I had every little bit of motivation to copy and paste a little bit from it every couple of weeks, but it seems like I forgot about that (oops!). I was digging around on my blog today and I stumbled along it. I feel like it’s the perfect thing to pop up in a pinch. So look out for more of these. I want you guys to love my…

  • 3 Ways to Make your Characters More Believable

      Characters are people, just like you and me. I love them. They make or break a book and frankly if you didn’t have a character that was memorable, then your book is almost worthless. This is also one of my all tie favourite topics. I’m going to give you 3 tools to help you make your characters more believable in your writing. I can count on my hand the number of characters I can remember and they in turn have made me love books. They make me keep reading on in hopes that a really great series that plateaued and got crappy, straightens itself out a brings itself out of…

  • Talking to Characters

    So today is the start of a new week, one where I’m committing myself to getting back on top of my blog schedule. I was feeling burnt out because I was trying to do too much, again. I really need someone to come and clobber me over the head to tell me to stop doing that. I keep doing it. Damn. Today I had schedule time to do some rewriting of my novel before finishing up some B-School fun sheets but my creativity seemed to take a hold of the day and not let up. I’m totally okay with letting it do this. It’s been a while since I’ve been able…