• Brave New Girl by Rachel Vincent

    I don’t know if I can be objective when it comes to Rachel Vincent and her novels. Everything she does makes my soul so happy. I’m late to the party with this one too. But that’s ok, all good things come to those who wait. I really enjoyed reading this book, it was her first novel in a sci-fi world and outside of the normal of urban fantasy. Dahlia is 1 of 1500 girls who look exactly the same, but they don’t only look the same they are the same, genetically. She is one of 1500 clones who look the same in a compound where they are trained to do…

  • Break-Ups and Breakthroughs by Lisa Messenger

    Collective Hub bring out such beautiful books and Lisa Messenger knows what she’s doing. I think that this book is a really great book to look back on and when you’re having a hard time going through a break-up, no matter if it’s a friendship or if it’s a relationship. The book is broken down into 50 tips to help you recover from the break-up and get back on top. What I also really love that is a lot of her books, if not most of her recent ones have all been written in real time and this one was written after her big break up with her fiancé. She…

  • Treachery in Death

    For anyone who doesn’t know, I adore JD Robb’s books. I haven’t read any of Nora Roberts’ romance novels but her crime fiction? It’s out of this world good. I got too busy to read so I’m waaaaay behind with her In Death series and honestly? I’m also a little bitter about the covers changing. They were these gorgeous black covers with a flower or some sort of item that worked with the story, they all had a different colour and it was so exciting to see what the next cover would be. This book changed it from that to a completely different cover, one where there are more humans…

  • Menagerie by Rachel Vincent

    Ok, so many of you know that my favourite author is Rachel Vincent (and if you don’t you now know) and I’ve followed her career and freaking loved every book she’s brought out and while I used to be really on top of her releases I fell behind a little when life got a little too busy for me, but that’s also pretty much an excuse, I know it, anyway I’m digressing before I even really start. I want to talk about Rachel’s book Menagerie, I followed along on Twitter as she spoke about how much of a mammoth challenge this book was and it wasn’t until I read it…

  • The Emerald Serpent by K.S Nikakis

    I am an avid fantasy reader. Give me magic, faeries, mythical beings and I’m a pretty happy lady, what’s even better? Having people I know write amazing fantasy in different sub-genres, it makes me beyond happy and I was pretty lucky to get a little bit of the behind the scenes action with this book. It was written by the former head of my undergrad degree and the best thing about this? I managed to make a non-editor out of a serial editor of words. It only took like a week and a half of me hounding Karen before she turned around and said to me: Mandi guess what I…

  • First, We Make the Beast Beautiful – Sarah Wilson

    I found out about First, We Make the Beast Beautiful by Sarah Wilson by one of my dear friends, it also happens to be one of the friends that is currently sitting to the left of me and she opened up to having anxiety, a term that I knew about but never really delved into because I never fully understood exactly what I needed to come to terms with for me to be okay with the word. And to be honest, I didn’t even think that I was going to get the book. Anxiety is scary to me, mostly because I’m a self-diagnosed anxious person, but I think that’s also…

  • The Florentine Bridge

      I feel like I may be a bit of biased when it comes to this gorgeous book, mostly, because my friend, Vanessa Carnevale wrote it. It’s totally fine to toot the trumpet for your friend, isn’t it? I was lucky enough to get to work with Vanessa early last year and was with her on the tail end of her journey to get this amazing book signed with a publisher. She is an amazing and wonderful lady and I couldn’t be more proud of her, but that’s enough for the mush, let’s get into this amazing book. I have had the pleasure of being able to read some of Vanessa’s writing…

  • Making Shapely Fiction by Jerome Stern

    Here’s another book about writing, one that I’m required to read for my Master’s degree and while I only started it in August (as in the degree, not the book) I couldn’t pay this novel my full attention because of everything else that was going on at that moment. So, it was a goal of mine to sit down and read it cover to cover (ok, so not really but it was one of the books that I have to read for the course) and I was a bit sceptical. Also, it looked like the easier read in comparison to the other one I have to read as well. It’s…

  • Believe In Yourself & Do What You Love by Kate James

    I have a book problem. It’s not like I hide it but there is a problem where I tend to buy books that I think will love and most of them (at the moment anyway) are self-help book which is not a bad thing, only when you have same brainness with your bestie and she rocks up with two books that you already own. Oh, the giggles, I actually made a bit of a promise to myself this year, but knowing me I probably won’t keep it because I’m fancy like that. And I’m really just addicted to buying books, but it’s to not buy any more self-help books until…

  • Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell

    My skin feels tight, my body seems ready for what’s to come and I can already feel the shifts. I finished this book in record time, in comparison to its sister book Light is the new black. I struggled so hardcore to finish and let myself get distracted and put off by the hugeness of the actual book, but once I was done with it I could understand why. It was a book that cracked me wide open, Campbell has a way of writing that gets right into the spaces between and really exposes those cracks. And while I thought I was ready for it, I soooo wasn’t. Rise sister…