My Writing Ritual Practice
And it’s another year! Yeah! Bring it on.
I’m really excited about the year that’s about to come. There are so many great and exciting things I have in the works for you guys. Not to mention that I am slowly getting my novel ready, I’m editing it, at the moment, and testing it to see how I feel about it, so far I think I like it. I mean I know there are parts in it that I actually dislike but I know that’s because I’ve been staring at it for so long, but that aside, I’m going to be getting my editing services out there. I’m currently sitting down to work out the prices but I’m excited! I have some really great packages available and I think that you guys will love them.
I’m also getting my writing coaching off the ground too. I’m currently in the process of writing the entire program but I promise you it’s worth the wait.
But enough of that. I wanted to start this years blogging off on a roll. I’ve decided that I’m going to keep Sharing Sunday and Writing Wednesdays but I’m only going to be posting on one day. It’ll depend on the day, but I’ll be trying for Tuesday’s but we’ll see how it goes. So today I’m going to share with you the beginnings of my practice I’m going to put into motion.
Everyone has a bit of a ritual when it comes to writing, I’ve never really had one. I can write anywhere (I’m writing this from my balcony with my laptop resting on my lap), any time and I can do it to just about anything, but I want to try and make a routine so that I can signify that it’s definitely time to sit down and write.
I know that I have a tendency to need to have a clear space, clean house, clean whatever to actually get some great headspace. I know that when my head is a mess my surroundings mirror that. So besides being clean I’ve decided to do a few things.
I love it. I love meditating but it’s the first thing to go whenever I get too busy and today I found that it helped me sit my butt down and really settle my mind. It was nice to be able to get my focus on. I haven’t really branched out with meditation, one of my best friend’s mother is a meditation teacher and any time I’ve had a session with her, it’s actually really beautiful. She has a really soothing and gorgeous was of presenting her meditation sessions. When I’m not there I use Headspace and it’s pretty rad. I’m working my way through the programs again, I’m determined to get through all of them consecutively. The app, which you can download to your devices, has lots of options if you want to go out and pay for it. I did that last year and found it pretty worth it.
Oracle Cards.
I also pulled some oracle cards to see where I was going with my writing. I focused on what I was about to do and I got a great set of cards to help guide me, I think it was also partly the full moon energy too. I love my mythic set. They’re so gorgeous and I find always on point.
Music is also really important so I sat down found some background noise, because this round of edits I have to read out loud, so I need something that can work as just noise. I’m really good with background noise, but with my apartment still a bit echoey I feel better with a bit of music.
But there we have it, I have a new routine for getting down to write. I’m going to be refining it and seeing what I can really do with it. I can afford to do that now, while I edit away. Do you guys have plans for your writing in the new year? I definitely do and I plan on writing about all of that very soon, but for now, tell me about yours? Or how about a writing ritual, do you have one? Do you want one? Let me know in the comments below.
I hope you all had a lovely and wonderful time off.
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