Crush That Internal Editor: NaNoWriMo Tips

Crush That Internal Editor NaNoWriMo Tips

I’ve had multiple questions about how I write as fast as I do and what I do and I think I’m just so used to it that I don’t bat an eyelash at it anymore. I think it’s normal, but I have to remember that not everyone has the same thought process as I do. Note to self: everyone is different, even if you don’t want to believe it.

I love NaNoWriMo for so many reasons. One: it actually helped me edit less when writing initial drafts and let me enjoy the process of writing a story. Two: You meet some rad people and get to strengthen already rad bonds. It’s great.

But I guess what you’re really wanting to know is how to crush that internal editor and how I do it so well? Well I’ll let you in on a little secret: there isn’t a secret.

I’ve schooled myself to be able to write without editing, especially when it comes to first draft (which is probably bad when it comes to assignments), but i seriously just write and don’t think back. I found that if I got lost, I started keeping a writing journal and that basically helps me keep track of what I’m writing, so I jot down a few sentences about what I wrote and then when I come back and write again, I don’t need to go back and re-read and then edit. It’s that simple.

A lot of people have problems turning off that internal editor and just writing, but you know what? NaNoWriMo is all about quantity of writing and not quality, you’re just meant to write to get to the daily word limit. Exceeding it gives you a real sense of power because you can almost thwart the system, somewhat, or at least that’s how I feel.

Some people also find that having a very thought out plan is easy too, they need to sit down and write it all out, chapter by chapter and then go from there, that’s okay too. Try your hands at that, it might work for you.

The easiest way is to really just write and try not to think about what you’ve written and keep looking forward. Looking forward is what helps the most and it makes the most sense. Some people have trouble coming up with what’s going to happen next but it’s a great thing to just let the story take you over. Letting go and letting the story come to you like it’s meant to be is all you can do.

As a writer you’re just the vessel for the story, the characters are the real ones who have the say of what happens next and who is doing what, so write it all down, make sure it gets down on paper and enjoy the ride.

So in a nutshell here’s what I’m trying to say: Write, write, WRITE. Don’t think about it. Write a plan if it helps, you’ll get through it. Use a journal to write down what you’ve done and what you need to do (if you want to look forward). Let the story take you over!

How do you guys cope with editing as you go? Help me figure out how to help you stop!

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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