• a highlighter on written pages with the title of what is writing mindest coachin

    What Writing Mindset Coaching with me looks like

    This has been a blog post that I have been trying to write and I have been putting it off for a while, but I’ve hit Resistance and I’ve hit my own Self Doubt. Two of the biggest problem that not only myself but sometimes I have worked with time and time again with clients. I call self-doubt by what I know it as: Inner Editor (IE). This voice is the one that tells us that our writing is crap, that we can’t do it and that we’ll never have anything to show for all of our effort. That we’re quitters. Our IE is the reason resistance comes up, it’s…

  • The Shadows: A Book a Week Challenge

    One of my goals this year is to try and read a book a week, because it’s easy to do and I love reading but it’s always one of the first things to leave when I get too busy. As a way to hold up my end of the bargain I’ve decided to write reviews of everything I watch and read because, let’s face it, I’m a writer and I pick apart a lot of books and shows without meaning to because I like to see the different ideas that at went into writing the book/show/movie. So I have a few that will come up because I can’t get them…

  • Crush That Internal Editor: NaNoWriMo Tips

    I’ve had multiple questions about how I write as fast as I do and what I do and I think I’m just so used to it that I don’t bat an eyelash at it anymore. I think it’s normal, but I have to remember that not everyone has the same thought process as I do. Note to self: everyone is different, even if you don’t want to believe it. I love NaNoWriMo for so many reasons. One: it actually helped me edit less when writing initial drafts and let me enjoy the process of writing a story. Two: You meet some rad people and get to strengthen already rad bonds.…

  • Staying Positive When It Comes to Rewriting

    I thought that I’d have this down. I thought that writing my second draft would be easy.  I thought I could stay positive when I started the rewrite. I was wrong. So, so, soooo wrong. I was cocky and expectant. I thought that by now I’d surely be able to finish it and be ready and raring to go for more edits. Did you know that only 5% of an a first draft makes it into the second? Five per cent. Do you know how terrifying that actually is? This novel has been a work in progress for 12 years from it’s conception as an idea I had in year 9.…