• My Year in Review

    Closing up the year that was and looking at new writing habits in the year to come. I know that this year hasn’t been the best for anyone. I can’t even say that it’s been all that great for me, but I did have some great things happen to me though. I finished my master’s degree.  I got engaged. I took control of my diabetes. I made a promise to myself to get fit. I started getting good at boxing. I went out of my comfort zone. I stopped giving attention to people who didn’t try back. I think the biggest thing I learned was my time is valuable and…

  • Walking in This World – Week 8

    Another week down. This week is about the sense of discernment and it couldn’t be more timely, really. I’ve had a lot of things happen recently and I think that, as always this workbook is hitting me in all the right places when I don’t realise it.  How many days this week did you do your morning pages? I started to do it consistently and I slipped them in when I needed them. So it was whenever i could fit it in and I made sure that even if it was a paragraph it still counted as morning pages.  Did you do your Artist’s Date this week? I did! I…

  • My Journey: Writing for an entire semester

    Ever wonder what it would be like to have the chance to write for an entire semester at uni and get feedback on what you did? Yeah me too. And then I got the chance to do it. It was so surreal, to know that I could spend 13 weeks doing something that I loved doing the most: writing. And that was it. There were no actual online posts I had to do. I didn’t even need to workshop if I didn’t want to. I just had to do what I have always wanted to do in a subject: just write. It sounded like bliss. My excitement was so vivid.…

  • Walking in this World – Week 7

    This week was about discovering a sense of momentum and this week I think it’s probably one of the most important weeks I’ve read so far. This was also started while I was finishing my last assignment of my Masters degree. I was going to edit it out but i decided not to, because I like to keep everything pretty real and unedited.  How many days this week did you do your morning pages? I tried to do this, this morning and got distracted. I think that my brain is kind of refusing to dig in deeper about what’s going on. I know that i need to get into more…

  • Brave New Girl by Rachel Vincent

    I don’t know if I can be objective when it comes to Rachel Vincent and her novels. Everything she does makes my soul so happy. I’m late to the party with this one too. But that’s ok, all good things come to those who wait. I really enjoyed reading this book, it was her first novel in a sci-fi world and outside of the normal of urban fantasy. Dahlia is 1 of 1500 girls who look exactly the same, but they don’t only look the same they are the same, genetically. She is one of 1500 clones who look the same in a compound where they are trained to do…

  • Break-Ups and Breakthroughs by Lisa Messenger

    Collective Hub bring out such beautiful books and Lisa Messenger knows what she’s doing. I think that this book is a really great book to look back on and when you’re having a hard time going through a break-up, no matter if it’s a friendship or if it’s a relationship. The book is broken down into 50 tips to help you recover from the break-up and get back on top. What I also really love that is a lot of her books, if not most of her recent ones have all been written in real time and this one was written after her big break up with her fiancé. She…

  • Writing with Type 2 Diabetes

    Before I get into the writing part I need to explain the journey. Just over a year ago I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. This was a huge issue for me. I was always the one in the family who was the “normal” one. I was fit, happy and didn’t have to worry too much, but my body slowly started to betray me and I didn’t think that this is something that would happen to me, because it just didn’t. But it did. And I’m here one year and one month later feeling very much like my old self again. I didn’t think that I would ever get there.…

  • Treachery in Death

    For anyone who doesn’t know, I adore JD Robb’s books. I haven’t read any of Nora Roberts’ romance novels but her crime fiction? It’s out of this world good. I got too busy to read so I’m waaaaay behind with her In Death series and honestly? I’m also a little bitter about the covers changing. They were these gorgeous black covers with a flower or some sort of item that worked with the story, they all had a different colour and it was so exciting to see what the next cover would be. This book changed it from that to a completely different cover, one where there are more humans…

  • What are Morning Pages?

    Morning pages are an exercise coined by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way and it’s one of her basic tools to help artists recover their creativity. They are three pages of long handwriting; I like to use an A5 notebook because it’s easier to carry and I find that it actually better for my own mental health. She does say that A4 would be better but that is a lot of lines to cover and I found it really daunting.  And it took me a long time to wrap my head around morning pages, because I thought that they had to be perfect and that they has to…

  • Walking In This World – Week 6

    This week is all about discovering a sense of boundaries and how exciting this week was. This book has seriously come into my life at the right time because I’m fist pumping and hollering with every essay and every piece of writing in here. I don’t think this happens very often with me, mostly I have to re-read things a few times to have them sink in. Cameron speaks about containment, inflow and day jobs. Really important things that I’m struggling with right now, we’re in Stage 4 lockdown in Melbourne and I’m juggling the icky feelings that’s going on and being one of the lucky ones who’s retail job…