Writing Wrap up March Week 1
I did a thing. I deleted a chapter. Like poof. It went away. (I didn’t really deleted it, I used the snapshot function on Scrivener to keep it close), but I did it and rewrote it and it transformed into a beast. Like my character found a letter and there was a huge bombshell dropped…and it happened way earlier than I expected.
So this means I actually managed to get a lot of writing done, this week’s writing wrap up is a good one. I also discovered The Word Alive’s album that was released last year….this has been a huge motivator to get me to write. I need audio to work, I don’t know how people can do it with no music. Sometimes I like to write with instrumental but mostly it’s all words, I think it has to do with the emotions flowing through the voices. It gets me amped up and ready to go.
This week was a heavy day job week. I’m a part of a tv show and it started filming this week, so I had some meet and greets and preparing for it while I was working practically full time as my studio manager was off for the week. So, there are some heavy 0 writing days, but that’s ok.
My fiancé and I area also looking at wedding venues, so the weekends (especially Saturdays) are harder to get writing done.
- Monday – 0
- Tuesday – 0
- Wednesday – 0
- Thursday – 0
- Friday – 672
- Saturday -181
- Sunday – 2150
Whew, made up for it on Sunday though. I’m trying to make Sunday my day where I do all of my content for the week, but I get fairly distracted so it hard.
How did you guys go with your writing for the week?
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