Walking in This World – Week 9

This week was about discovering a sense of resiliency and this week is fitting because it took me a while to actually finish this chapter because of life, but I’ve been home sick and this has been the perfect excuse to finish the chapter. And I have to say that I really loved this chapter because it was listing and explain all of the problems that we face as writers. The self-doubt, worry, fear, restlessness, self-pity and doubt.

How many days this week did you do your morning pages?

I started to do them again. But only managed two days so far and I’m ok with this.

Did you do your Artist’s Date this week?

No, I’ve been sick and stayed inside so I could get over it. But I have been indulging myself in binging The Originals.

Did you get out on your weekly walk?

Again no, being sick I didn’t have the energy to do much at all. My walk to and from the kitchen, the couch and the bed it was all I could manage. I’m not mad about either.

Were there any other issues this week that felt significant in your self-discovery?

I don’t really have anything to add. I just really loved that I could read about all of the signs that I currently have when I think about fear and the things that stop me from getting closer to my dreams.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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