Walking in this World – Week 11
This week was about discovering a sense of authenticity. There is so much to this that makes it a perfect week for me. It’s about dropping into what is creatively right for you and really digging in. I keep saying that every single week is amazing and it is, it all hits straight home with what I’m currently going through and that is something that I love. Is it hard? Yes, but I love every bit of it.
How many days this week did you do your morning pages?
I feel like I should stop stop making this a thing, I don’t feel like I can really commit to daily pages. I know that they help but a lot of the time I don’t have the time to do it in the morning. I did try to. move it around, but it’s not the same. I’ll probably dabble back with it as well.
Did you do your Artist’s Date this week?
No, I have been so exhausted from work, but my gym sessions are like my Artist’s Date. I do want to take the time to map out an Artist’s Date.
Did you get out on your weekly walk?
No. Walking is a bit harder too. It’s such a round robin kind of thing, I have no motivation to walk and therefore I miss out. It’s harder.
Were there any other issues this week that felt significant in your self-discovery?
I love that there was such a sense of getting down with what is write for you. It’s about coming back to the page even after the rejection really hurts, you rebuild and find what you’re voice says, authentically.
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