Tools to get a Healthy Writing Practice
Episode 002
Welcome to The Writing Apothecary Podcast show notes.
In today’s episode we cover the tools you need to get your writing practice up to scratch.
Writing needs to be a ritual and that helps your writing practice get healthy. We cover the essential tools you need and these are my non-negotiables when it comes to my writing practice.
1. Schedule it in
This is so important. If it’s not in your schedule, it doesn’t exist. You schedule your work and your gym classes. Once they’re in, unless you’re sick, you go to them. No matter what.
2. Change it up
Finding your space is perfect, but sometimes it gets the better of us and it’s much easier to get up and move places. Phsyically moving yourself to anotehr space also helps your writing practice grow. You’re driven and focused.
3. Writing Date
Setting a writing date with someone else or even just for yourself is important. Like may be getting to a cafe and writing or it’s getting together with a friend and spending time writing because it’ll be a sacred time for just you and writing.
4. Timed writing
This is my powerhouse of a tool. This is what gets me through it all. It’s my secret weapon and it’s how I get so much done. This gives your brain a place to know that you have an end point and it’s a close second to sitting for for #5minsofwriting.
Let me know what tool you’ll use first.
- Howler Timer for Mac Only
- NaNoWriMo
Welcome to The Writing Apothecary Podcast show notes.
In today’s episode, we cover the tools you need to get your writing practice up to scratch.
Writing needs to be a ritual and that helps your writing practice get healthy. We cover the essential tools you need and these are my non-negotiables when it comes to my writing practice.
1. Schedule it in
This is so important. If it’s not in your schedule, it doesn’t exist. You schedule your work and your gym classes. Once they’re in, unless you’re sick, you go to them. No matter what.
2. Change it up
Finding your space is perfect, but sometimes it gets the better of us and it’s much easier to get up and move places. Physically moving yourself to another space also helps your writing practice grow. You’re driven and focused.
3. Writing Date
Setting a writing date with someone else or even just for yourself is important. Like maybe getting to a cafe and writing or it’s getting together with a friend and spending time writing because it’ll be a sacred time for just you and writing.
4. Timed writing
This is my powerhouse of a tool. This is what gets me through it all. It’s my secret weapon and it’s how I get so much done. This gives your brain a place to know that you have an endpoint and it’s a close second to sitting for #5minsofwriting.
Let me know what tool you’ll use first.
- Howler Timer for Mac Only
- NaNoWriMo
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