• Writing Wednesday

      Today’s Writing Wednesday is a little late, I had to work at my retail job and then jump onto a bus, which I nearly missed but ran to get, to start my internship for the week which involved us finally getting somewhere! Yessss. Finally. I’m off to Sydney tomorrow for BEAus, way excited, hopefully things go smoothly! Describe your characters favourite stuffed toy. What’s the memory attached to it? Why is it so significant to their lives? How long have they had it. Send me your tries if you want some feedback to my email. Do itttt. Don’t forget to sign up to my newsletter and check out Sharing…

  • Writing Wednesday

    It’s Writing Wednesday and while this is a little late today! Today’s prompt is all about dropping out of the now and into where you want to be. Imagine you’re on a plane. Where is that plane going and what are you wearing? Send me your tries to dreaming(at)dreamingfullyawake(dot)com. I’d love to use some!

  • Rise Up: Going Pro

    When do you sit down and call yourself a writer? A serious, no bullshit, fucking writer. Some never do it. I know I already did. I admitted to it, while I said it. I never actually believed it. Until today. I sat down and opened Scrivener and was like, okay it’s time to really do this. And by this I mean finish this edit so I can send it off to my beta readers. I’ve been resisting really hard with this. Purely because I think I’ve been scared to really show them what I have. This book is my baby, it has been for the last 11 years and I’m…

  • Writing Schedule

    Okay I’m putting my foot down and starting a writing schedule. I haven’t done it in the past but I’m going to have to learn, I’m getting sick of this crazy writing whenever it strikes me thing and all of this waiting. So I’m setting one up. I’m going to lower my word count from 2000 to something under 1000 possibly 850 because I can do that in my sleep. Most of my blog posts have been half way to there, but not quite enough. So tomorrow I’m going to wake up tomorrow and get out of bed with the motivation to write at least 400 words before breakfast, if…

  • Eat, Shoots and Leaves.

    It’s taken me nearly two years to read this book. One because I was studying at uni and two I didn’t really have a lot of time to read anything that didn’t immediately grab my attention. I thought I’d give this a chance. So I read it, it wasn’t as easy to read in the 13 minute gap I had to and from work but it was surprisingly witty and hooked me in. Eats. Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss is definitely a book I’d recommend for any grammarians out there and you wan’t to know why? I didn’t hate it. That’s right. I didn’t hate it. I thought I would because…

  • Talking to Characters

    So today is the start of a new week, one where I’m committing myself to getting back on top of my blog schedule. I was feeling burnt out because I was trying to do too much, again. I really need someone to come and clobber me over the head to tell me to stop doing that. I keep doing it. Damn. Today I had schedule time to do some rewriting of my novel before finishing up some B-School fun sheets but my creativity seemed to take a hold of the day and not let up. I’m totally okay with letting it do this. It’s been a while since I’ve been able…

  • Writing Coaching

    So, I had this huge post prepared for yesterday but I was wiped after work and the little work out I did. I was falling asleep on the couch so I didn’t get a chance to really write down what I wanted. Oh well. It doesn’t matter. I’m taking Rach and Tara’s b-school offer. Check. My next issue was trying to find something that I wanted to really accomplish. Entrepreneurship sounds ah-maze-ing and not because some people are earning the big bucks, but because I can work to my own hours and be my own boss. I can find freedom in that very thought and it’s one that is so…