I never thought I’d be grieving a parent
It’s been 18 months since my hard arse, strict and ever loving and supportive father was taken before his time and in that time I’ve had numerous people ask me how I am, how I’m coping and I’ve gone with the honest, sometimes hiding the real truth of an answer: I’m doing the best that I can. And it’s true. I am. There’s no manual about how to deal with the loss of a parent, there’s no concrete handbook on grief that is personalised for you to work through. There’s only life and it continues like nothing has changed. It’s really okay that there’s a hole in my life and…
Writing Wednesday
It’s the month of loooove and today’s Writing Wednesday is all about the colour red. Your character wakes up in a bed of red satin with no memory of where they were before they fell asleep. Retrace their steps and tell their story. Send me your tries to dreaming@dreamingfullyawake.com for a chance to get free editing and a chance to be featured on Sharing Sunday.
What My Reading Binge Taught Me
I learned something powerful in the midst of my dinner today, I’ve been on an emotional bender for the last few days, having severely brake downs and actually felt the true loss of my father. Bare with me here, I know I’ve covered this already a bit, but this feels different. For two months I smiled and almost slept through what happened. It was denial, pure and simply put, I mean I knew it had happened but I was refusing to believe it. Part of me still wants to believe it and I think that writing will bring him back, but if I could I would write a hundred million…
Sharing Sunday – Dad’s Eulogy
I’m still waiting for a few people to send me their pieces but today for Sharing Sunday I’m sharing Dad’s Eulogy I read out at his wake. I don’t know how I managed to get through all of it without crying but I did it. Dad’s Eulogy George Panagiotis Kontos. It’s just a name, but the man behind the name is one that I’ve always struggled to put into words. He was kind, caring, loving, hilarious and a dork. Each and every one one of you here can attest to having shared a funny or dirty joke with him. He was the epitome of jokester. Most of all he was…
Embracing what you have
Just as a side note, before I start today’s blog post, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve moved over to a new place. I’m now a dot com and I’ve got a new theme. I’m trying to figure out if I really like it, but so far it’s good. I also have a new email! It’s all so exciting. I’m embracing the new. Now onto today’s blog. My gorgeously strong Mum has joined me over here in Melbourne for a week with my brother for my on coming graduation and I learnt that embracing what you have is powerful, it’s unique and I should have done so when I was…
Sharing Sunday – Grief
The next dreamer on the list is Jerrie. We share a mutual acquaintance in the form of retail jobs and had a swell time sitting next to each other in class (oops sorry to the lecturer who shall not be named but we were sort of mean). This next story is gorgeous. I remember reading it and workshopping it in class. I hope you love it just as much. Grief I woke up that morning knowing exactly what I was going to do. In my imagination I could still see you there, feel the warmth of your body and the touch of your coarse skin, the stale feeling of…
Sharing Sunday – Nightfall
My beautiful friend Av is my first victim dreamer for my weekly Sharing Sunday segment and I have to say that I love her. She is such a beautiful and authentic soul that it’s hard not to smile around her pixie like self. Please make her feel welcome and enjoy what she has for us today, it’s truly sizzling. Nightfall by Avrille Bylok-Collard Are lovers meant to be like this? Figures that dance in clandestine shadows to dissolve in the morning light, like salt in a beaker or fluttering lenses in the night? There are many things I’d sacrifice to press my palms against yours in the full summer sun, caressing your…