• Writing Wednesday

      Oh look at that, new picture for Writing Wednesday. Yup! I’m bringing out some of my own prompts too. I really don’t want to have my butt kicked for posting too much of stuff I can’t get permission for. So this fixes it. Bare with me a little, this is a little rusty. Today’s theme is light. Start at the end of a tunnel and work your way back. Use the words light, glow, free and nearly there within your writing. Steer clear of cliches. Can you do that? I’m sure you can. Good luck! Send me a link of what you’ve done in the comment or email me!

  • Writing Wednesdays

    It seems normal, almost sane to have Writing Wednesdays, yeah? Yeah! So I have been dying to try and figure out how to make this work. Like seriously. Do i put it out there, or do I try something different? I put it off. I introduced Fully Awake Dreamers, which is still happening but I’ve decided to be a little lighter with posting them, because it needs to be special. This now brings me to something more. Something better. Welcome to Writing Wednesday. What’s the deal with is? Well I’m glad you asked. Today (and every Wednesday from now on) I will be giving you a writing prompt. Something that…

  • Writing Schedule

    Okay I’m putting my foot down and starting a writing schedule. I haven’t done it in the past but I’m going to have to learn, I’m getting sick of this crazy writing whenever it strikes me thing and all of this waiting. So I’m setting one up. I’m going to lower my word count from 2000 to something under 1000 possibly 850 because I can do that in my sleep. Most of my blog posts have been half way to there, but not quite enough. So tomorrow I’m going to wake up tomorrow and get out of bed with the motivation to write at least 400 words before breakfast, if…

  • Embracing what you have

      Just as a side note, before I start today’s blog post, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve moved over to a new place. I’m now a dot com and I’ve got a new theme. I’m trying to figure out if I really like it, but so far it’s good. I also have a new email! It’s all so exciting. I’m embracing the new. Now onto today’s blog. My gorgeously strong Mum has joined me over here in Melbourne for a week with my brother for my on coming graduation and I learnt that embracing what you have is powerful, it’s unique and I should have done so when I was…

  • Sharing Sunday – The Crow

      Today’s Sharing Sunday piece is the handiwork of a man that I beat in the early hours of my second nano. Andy Irvine is a uni buddy I met at Flinders University when we were both studying psychology. Would you look at that? He is the author of Affliction and Coercion, in his hit series Psi Novels. Enjoy a snippet of his work. The Crow  The Crow. A harbinger of death, a devourer of carrion. In some cultures it was considered a spiritual guide—a messenger—that might deliver one to the afterlife. A sleek, dangerous, creature. In some indigenous tales the crow was considered to be a trickster—that it stole…

  • Sharing Sunday – Wulfa’s Story Part Two

    Part Two The door swung open easily and Wulfa immediately tried to back into the corner as he saw an inferno of raging flames. Julian looked at the flames in shock and coughed loudly before covering his mouth. Wulfa looked out the window. The ground window was billowing with flames as well. A piece of roof collapsed sending a shower of sparks near him and he rushed towards Julian scooping him up and stared at the inferno. The fire was frightening to him, even more so then getting hit by lightning again, the child coughed loudly again and Wulfa breathed in the air and snorted out the smoke. The scent…

  • Sharing Sunday – Awakening – Part Two

    Awakening – Part two   It seemed that Saria’s latest mood swing included not waiting for her mistress to make her mind up, and before Lothiriel could do anything, the deathsteed had begun in the direction of the screams. A few tugs on the reins were fruitless and she relented quickly, knowing that Saria would not stop and was making the right choice. Her personal feelings were not more important than saving someone’s life, and from the continous screams Lothiriel was sure the owner of them was in dire need of help. As the screams grew closer Lothiriel slowed, eyes and ears searching for what was happening. It didn’t take…

  • Sharing Sunday – Awakening – Part One

      Today’s dreamer is a friend I met online! Heather is one of those rare gems you find who you can chat at and get what you’re saying, even though there’s an ocean separating you. Her story Awakening is fan fiction for World of Warcraft. It’s a long one so I’ll be posting it in parts today! Awakening The dream started the same way again, and despite knowing what was to come she was swept up in the beauty and the joy of it. It was unavoidable; she could not deny the warmth of mother earth, of being one of Cenarius’ children. The beauty of the newborn foal as it took…

  • Sharing Sunday – Grief

      The next dreamer on the list is Jerrie. We share a mutual acquaintance in the form of retail jobs and had a swell time sitting next to each other in class (oops sorry to the lecturer who shall not be named but we were sort of mean). This next story is gorgeous. I remember reading it and workshopping it in class. I hope you love it just as much.   Grief I woke up that morning knowing exactly what I was going to do. In my imagination I could still see you there, feel the warmth of your body and the touch of your coarse skin, the stale feeling of…