Sharing Sunday – A little message

It’s just ticked over into Monday here, so it’s technically not even Sunday.

So as you’ve all noticed there was no Sharing Sunday. I had one lined up. I had all of the info from it but the unthinkable happened yesterday.

I got a call and found out that my dad had passed away.

It still doesn’t feel real saying that because he was my dad. I was joking with him on Thursday and he was in good spirits. He was always smiling, always happy and just…my dad.

He’s the first person who taught me out to drive, who gave me lectures when I was bad, who shared stories from his childhood with me, who let me drag him all over the theme parks when I wanted to go on rides. He was one of a kid.

Selfless and always saying what he meant. He was perfect.

So I’m taking a moment to step back and try and just chill. I’m going to make sure that I put up a thing for next week (and reminders because it feels like I’ve lived a whole week instead of 24 hours) and get it up for you guys. I’m so sorry. I hope you can all be patient for me.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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