NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 26

This seems to be a little bit of a problem. I’ve done no writing in like three days and it’s starting to get bad, like I’m losing who I am as a person and maybe it’s because this is challenging so much or because I keep being so busy with work. Uni finished and I was supposed to be finished with all of the pushing and hustling, but it seems like I’m still managing to do it with work and maybe it’s my inability to say no…or perhaps even when I do, I get made to feel like I’m crap. And that’s what I hate.

No writing today either. And I’m still procrastinating really and that’s an issue. It’s ok I think tomorrow will be better. I have a day off, so you know, it has to be better.

Words: 0

Distractions: 2: work and the boyfriend.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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