NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 14
Words today are hard and mostly because I had a full day at my retail job that involved a lot of actual heavy lifting and to top it off it’s a little warm. I love the warmth, I dislike having to work while it’s warm in a full uniform. Give me shorts and muscle tanks any day and I’ll be a happy lady.
I used to be so good at wording when I was exhausted, in fact, my peak hours of writing used to be after Midnight and I’d do my best essays and what not when I was not sleeping. I prided myself on being a night owl…that was until I forced myself to be a morning person and write in the day. It was exactly what I needed but it also makes writing harder the later in the day if I haven’t already been writing.
Today’s words didn’t even reach the daily quota for NaNoWriMo…but does that really matter for me? That is the question. I don’t think so but it is nice to do so. I’m deep in the final battle and a returning antagonist was just killed. I don’t mind but I know that I’m stalling because the words are flowing like wildfire but they’re not actually doing much at all. Editing this is going to be fun.
Words: 1544
Distractions: 3 – Work, Arrow, tiredness
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