What Writing Mindset Coaching with me looks like
This has been a blog post that I have been trying to write and I have been putting it off for a while, but I’ve hit Resistance and I’ve hit my own Self Doubt. Two of the biggest problem that not only myself but sometimes I have worked with time and time again with clients.
I call self-doubt by what I know it as: Inner Editor (IE). This voice is the one that tells us that our writing is crap, that we can’t do it and that we’ll never have anything to show for all of our effort. That we’re quitters.
Our IE is the reason resistance comes up, it’s why we procrastinate over the smallest of things or we clean to make sure that our space is ready for us, what we hide behind is that we’re scared, scared to take that leap, to out ourselves. It’s also the voice that tells us that we are going to fail. Or that we’re not bringing anything into the world that will add anything to anyone’s lives.
It’s also why this post has been so long in the making.
I could lie and tell you that I sat down and wrote this all out in one fell swoop, but I didn’t. In fact I had it up on my browser for a very long time and I worked around it. I procrastinated because part of me is scared of being seen. It’s a part of me that I can hide behind because it’s safe.
Our IE loves to try and keep us safe, but we need to lean towards the fear and this is a big fear thing for me. It’s also really good at keeping me from sharing exactly what I need. This is me lifting the veil on my own coaching.
Let’s start with my experience.
I have 3 degrees. I started with my Bachelor of Arts where I majored in creative writing and women studies, I learned early on in my degree that I wanted to devour everything to do with writing, I took every creative and literary subject I could do short of doing the creative writing degree that my uni had at the time. It was a really small and niche degree, one I applied for and didn’t get into, which was the first rejection I experience. After that I decided I wanted to continue studying and did a Bachelor of Writing and Publishing, where I learned more about writing but also the publishing side of things, which is why I moved to Melbourne. When I spent some times doing what I was doing, I decided it was time to further that and did a Masters of Creative Writing. Academic creative writing is so different and I learned quickly that I needed to change my mindset and the normal way my brain works to get through it.
But I’m here and now I’m done I’ve got so many skills, many of which include pulling apart writing, analysing it, putting it back together, writing, editing and so much more I can’t even put into words. It was a game changer for me.
All of that knowledge has been put together to help you.
My writing mindset coaching is tailor made to every client and no client is ever the same. Together we will go over what you need out of our time together. Maybe it’s getting your butt down into the chair and writing. Or it’s the accountability to make sure that you’re hitting your goals. Or it’s that you need someone to bounce ideas off.
I hold space for you to come to your own conclusions about your writing and guide you to what you actually want to do.
Together we will work around your own schedule to find ways to hack it and make it work for you. We’ll also look at ways to push through your resistance and how to just sit down and down the damn work.
Coaching with me is broken down into four packages:
- The Tincture Package
- The Serum Package
- The Antidote Package
- The Tonic Package
The Tincture Package
This is the entry level coaching package, almost like a teaser for what can come. It is a four week package and you will get bi-weekly zoom calls, weekly email/whatsapp/voxer/marco polo support. This is a time for you to dig into your writing and get a practice together. It can look like you needing guidance and us making time in your calendars to work on the writing.
You also get 5 hours worth of editing, which equates to maybe 50,000 words. This editing is also top to bottom editing. I don’t do the layers with these editing. I look at it on a whole and give you a snippet of what it would be like to have a full manuscript appraisal. You also get the Dreaming Fully Awake Playbook free of charge, it’s valued at $28.
At the end of our month, you’ll have a healthy writing practice and you’ll be able to move forward with your writing practice and continue the work we started together.
The Serum Package
It’s you and me for three months. We’ll dig into the your projects and really find the traction we need so that we’re not limited on time. This package is also gets my full Storyboard Method, plus the walk through that is only available when you sign on for coaching with me. This Method and walk through is worth $208 as it has all of my knowledge. It is the basis of what I use to map out my stories and it’s completely and utterly customisable to what you need.
You get 20 hours of editing and guidance when it comes to your story. This can involve going over your first chapter again and again or every couple of chapter as you finish them. This comes back to how you work the best.
The Antidote Package
Six months of support allows you to find your way through it all. We look at your story, we pull it apart together and we take the time to find out what we need. You’ll get an entry-level manuscript appraisal which is valued at ($1058) as an addition to your package. This allows me to give you feedback on your words through our time together over the six months we will work through it. You’ll also get bi-weekly calls and support as well as 45 hours of editing to go with it and The Storyboard Method walk through and Dreaming Fully Awake Playbook.
As we come out of our time together, you’ll hopefully have a project completed, ready for an editor’s eyes to look over.
The Tonic Package
Twelve whole months of just us. We’re getting deeper into it. This is a serious package, I only have room for two people because it’s intense, I’m not going to lie, because it’s a whole year of us working together and pushing you further to get your goal done. You get an in-depth manuscript appraisal (valued at$1578) as well as 78 hours of editing, The Storyboard Method, and Dreaming Fully Awake Playbook. You’ll also get a chance to be interviewed on my podcast The Writing Apothecary.
At the end of our time together you should have a finished manuscript and be well on your way to pitching it or self publishing it. You’ll be able to help support yourself and your writing in your every day life.
Why choose me?
Writing it my life. I adore every aspect of it. Even the bits where I am procrastinating or finding my way through the hard parts of rewriting and editing. I live and breathe writing. With me, your story and your writerly insides will be safe, supported and lead down a path that won’t be easy, but it’ll be fun, it’ll be full of ups and down but this is part of the process.
Writing is such a solitary activity and I want to demystify it for you. I want to show you what you can do when you get out of your own way, dissolve your IE and find out the core of your story.
Let me take you on a journey and let’s make some writing magic together. I know that your words are already amazing but let’s make them better than amazing; let’s make them fantastic and words that your reader can’t put down without thinking they’re missing something.
Book a coaching package with me and let’s get to work. I can’t wait to help you achieve your writing goals and dreams.
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