Walking in This World – Week 1

Here we are again! Another Julia Cameron book, another 12 weeks to get through. I debated doing a read through and then going back and not doing it, but I couldn’t help myself, I have to go through an do it week by week, even if it means I may mess up, but you know what? I’m ok with that.

This week was all about discovering a Sense of Origin.

1. How many days this week did you do your Morning Pages?

I managed to get, maybe, 4 out of the 7 days? I think. It’s been a tough week this week. I’ve had to get up and really push myself to do much of anything in the morning and I’m attributing that to the last week of my cycle. This is generally the time where I learn to slow down, well I’m learning to slow down and not take it too personally when I miss days.

2. Did you do your Artist’s Date this week?

Not really, unless you classify meal prepping as my Date, I actually found it really therapeutic because I was able to really get in sync this week and it made it easier for me to feel prepared

3. Did you get out on your Weekly Walk?

No, not unless it included walking outside to get some food. I know that this is one of the major tools JC has added into this creative pilgrimage, but it’s the middle of winter and it’s bloody cold! I know that’s an excuse but I’m going to make it work. It’s just hard when I wake up when it’s dark and I’m back home when it’s dark. I can probably try and fit it in one day before work. Or on my day off. Something to mull over.

4. Were they any other issues this week that felt significant to you in your self-discovery?

I’m still pretty blocked, but I did learn that sometimes the smaller steps are better than the bigger steps. I’m ok with relearning this.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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