girl walking on the beach with the writing apothecary words next to her

Plot: An Interview with YA Urban Fantasy Author Sarah Wendt

Welcome back to another interview for The Writing Apothecary and our last chat about Plot. It’s seriously been so fun to walk through this all with you. It’s been both eye-opening and invigorating for me as well as I am sure it has been for you. Plot is important but in the end it all comes back to character.

Sarah and I have an amazing chat about all things plot, her WIP Acanthus and just how characters and plot are inseparable.

In today’s chat we cover:

  • Just how Sarah breaks her plot down.
  • How her plot arrived and she wrote it.
  • And how she approaches her plotting.

Sarah’s Bio
Sarah’s childhood fascination with history and Tomb Raider morphed into her current love for writing Young Adult novels about “chicks in a sitch” – stories about resilient females with a supernatural twist. Acanthus, her current project, is an Aztec-inspired contemporary fantasy that takes the reader to an island paradise where human sacrifice is a necessary evil for peace and prosperity.

She graduated from the University of Queensland and—when she’s not travelling—resides in Brisbane, Australia with her partner, a large collection of teacups, and a growing array of indoor house plants.

Where to find her:
@thecommutingwriter on Instagram and Twitter

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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