Thirsty for Knowledge: Some Writing Pockets

Thirsty for Knowledge: Some Writing Pockets

I’m someone who loves to share music when I find it, or resources because I believe that everyone out there is thirsty for knowledge and they deserve things that will nourish them to the fullest which is what I’m bringing to you guys today! These little writing pockets will be a random thing that I’ll spring every now and then, as I find things, but they’ll be worth the wait.

Music has always been apart of my writing process. I need it to write and when I don’t have it, nothing really makes much sense to me. I can search around for hours for the right music for the right scene. My fall back is always the Backstreet Boys, but that’s only if I’m having a terrible writing day. Mostly though, I get through it.

As of late I’ve been noticing that my music tastes have slightly shifted, and I say slightly because I know it’ll change again, but chillstep and anything that is hypnotic and sexy seems to rub me the right way.

Have you heard of Banks? I stumbled along her tantalising voice when I was scouring through last years Victoria Secret’s TV advertisement and innately had to go and find out more. I feel in love with Waiting Game and that was it. I was in hook, line and sinker and I’m still not over her, I keep pushing her onto others and they keep having the same response that I initially had. Wide-eyed, jaw dropping amazement. It’s actually fun to watch. In case you haven’t check it out here, trust me you won’t be disappointed. Also if you want to check out her performance on Jimmy Kimmel Live, it’s amazing to see that she sounds just as great live, although now I question everything that is performed live now that I know otherwise.

I’ve stumbled along two really great ladies who are writing some pretty fantastic things. I’m probably going to start following them almost religiously, I already have them liked and followed on Twitter and Facebook respectively, which is kind of exciting in itself. So without further ado I give you these two gorgeous sites:

Finally Writing

Jackie bring some really great articles out there and I think I feel some kind of kindred spiritness towards her because she is trying to do the same thing as I am. Is it bad that I want to put her in my vision board and have work my way into actually working with her? I think it would be way rad. She is super sweet and really energetic about the getting you writing, which is what I love so much. She also has an e-book that I have yet to take a look at (I admit I’ve been a little slack on the stalking here but I’ve been trying to get my head around a lot of things that aren’t really working for me!) but it sounds really good. If you’re having trouble writing, you definitely should try and take a look around her site, it’s really great.

The other site that I have fallen in love with is Inspire Portal and the lovely Jo.

This site is full of quotes, great little articles and lots of motivation, not to mention that Jo is actually super awesome too. I follow her on Twitter and really enjoy chatting back and forth with her. It’s refreshing and really lovely. I’m not quite sure what I can say about Jo’s site. It seems to have a bit of everything that I’m really into at the moment. Health, lifestyle, writing, yoga! Everything, I tell you! Do yourself a favour and go and check her out. Jackie too.

I feel like I need to get up something where I can spot light sites and things that I love more often. Maybe I’ll make a little bit of a habit out if it. I mean it’s nice to be able to gush about things. I do it a lot in offline and people end up being addicted to things I am addicted to as well.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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