The Writing Essence Facebook Group
I know how invaluable support is and I’m lucky I’m surrounded by writers both in the flesh and around the world, who I can call on for that support. I have friends who get it and understand the writing process and without words can help me bounce ideas and understand what I can’t see. More so, though, I have people I can lean on and who can pick me up when I’m down.
And in everyday life, we don’t always have that support a keyboard away, but not anymore.
In comes in The Writing Essence Facebook Group.
I know, I know, we’re all saturated with Facebook groups and I can already hear you groaning, but here’s the thing about this one: there’s no expectations, it’s pretty free flowing and you can ask me anything about writing and any struggles you have and together as a community we’ll get over those hurdles and hit those goals.
With a mixture of posts that are asking for opinions and future Facebook Lives and helpful links, I want to build a community of writers that lift one another up and support each other like no tomorrow.
There are only two rules when it comes to the group and here they are:
- Accept that you’re a write. Shout it from the rooftop and claim the shit out of it because that’s the only way we’re going to get you on the believe train.
- Have fun.
That’s it!
I’d love for you to come and join us and if it’s not your thing that’s fine. Check out the link below.