Stories can be read on screen too
Another thing I have thought about doing this year is breaking down things I watch, because the writing can sometimes be very good (like in Prison Break) or very badly at the start (like Shadow Hunters) but it’s necessary to have these sorts of extremes in our lives so that we can see the differences and I personally love binging on shows and by now making them apart of my writing, I actually have found a way to make it work into my life, how nifty is that? But stories aren’t the only things that can be read, they can be watched. So without further ado, let’s talk about Prison…
The Shadows: A Book a Week Challenge
One of my goals this year is to try and read a book a week, because it’s easy to do and I love reading but it’s always one of the first things to leave when I get too busy. As a way to hold up my end of the bargain I’ve decided to write reviews of everything I watch and read because, let’s face it, I’m a writer and I pick apart a lot of books and shows without meaning to because I like to see the different ideas that at went into writing the book/show/movie. So I have a few that will come up because I can’t get them…
Writing Wednesday
How does Wednesday roll around so fast? Happy hump day and happy Writing Wednesday, today’s writing prompt is about superpowers. I’ve been binging on Jessica Jones after being completely riveted by the first ep, something that generally doesn’t happen very often, but whoa, seriously if you have a chance, do yourself a favour and start watching it. You won’t regret it. Choose a character or write about yourself and what it would be like. If you have a super power, what would it be? Or what would you give your character if you could give them anything? For a chance at free editing (valued at $450) send your tried to submissions(at)dreamingfullyawake(dot)com.…
Owning up to the Divine
Today I’m owning up to the divine because I finally feel like it’s time. For as long as I could remember I was always fascinated with the elements of life; I fell in love with TV shows like Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer; I read books based on Wicca like the series Wicca/Sweep by Cate Tiernan; I collected crystals, did meditation, bought books by Fiona Horne and hid copies of the magazine Witchcraft under my bed; I did my Year 10 project on witchcraft and hired every witchy movie I could get my hands on to review, Hocus Pocus was my favourite and Blair witch 2 was waaaay better than…
Writing Wednesday
I’m at 82k and about to get stuck into more with NaNo but there have been so many exciting things pop up in my life this last week. I hope to be able to share some of them soon, but for now we’re off on our regular Writing Wednesday writing prompt. And this week it’s here on time! Chocolate is decadent and heavy, write about it. What do you like about it? Or maybe you want to write a character into your story that has a serious chocolate addiction. How do they deal with it? Really feel it out. Don’t forget to send your tries to dreaming (at) dreamingfullyawake (dot)…
NaNoWriMo Wrap and what I learned so far
I was swallowed up by the hole that is NaNoWriMo. This year my goal was to see just how fast I can get to 50,000. I managed it in three days with reaching a personal best on the first day of just over 20,000. My highest in previous years had been 17,000 or so, which had me elated and I didn’t even have sore wrists until I finished and went to bed with my wrists in supports. I learned that I’m an immersive creature. I took the week off my retail job to literally run away to Bendigo, where my gorgeous second family lives, and hole myself up in their…
Writing Wednesday
It’s been a bit of a emotional rollercoaster (thanks new moon) but we’re out the other end of it. I’m putting the final touches to my webinar. Are you on the list? I’m sending out an email this week to let my list know about the date. I’ll be also promoting it on Facebook/instagram/twitter. So follow me using @mandikont or search for Dreaming Fully Awake on Facebook. I would love to have you around. But for now here’s today’s Writing Wednesday writing prompt. There’s an obstacle in your way. What is it? How do you get around it? Explain it. Don’t forget to send your tries to dreaming (at) dreamingfullyawake (dot)…
I never thought I’d be grieving a parent
It’s been 18 months since my hard arse, strict and ever loving and supportive father was taken before his time and in that time I’ve had numerous people ask me how I am, how I’m coping and I’ve gone with the honest, sometimes hiding the real truth of an answer: I’m doing the best that I can. And it’s true. I am. There’s no manual about how to deal with the loss of a parent, there’s no concrete handbook on grief that is personalised for you to work through. There’s only life and it continues like nothing has changed. It’s really okay that there’s a hole in my life and…
Writing Wednesday
Whoa it’s been a cruisy sort of week, finally nice to get stuck into what I’m prepping for you guys. Are you on my email list? I have a webinar that’s happening next week. Do you want in on it? Get onto my email list and you’ll get the link. I’ll talking about NaNoWriMo and what to expect! Now onto the prompt. You’re at your most defeated. What brings you back to fight? Write about it. Don’t forget to send in your tries for a chance to get free editing to: dreaming(at)dreamingfullyawake(dot)com.
Counting Down: NaNoWriMo 2015
I can’t believe that it’s already October. We’re less than a month away from the biggest month of the year for many writer’s around the world. Are you suddenly perplexed and reaching to your calendar for the answer? You aren’t? Good, because your calendar won’t tell you the answer unless you’ve got yourself some writer friends. NaNoWriMo starts in less than a month and I’m gearing up to start writing the first draft of my next novel. A lot of people can’t seem to get their heads around writing so many words in a month but I think I’m getting ahead of myself. A lot of you are probably thinking:…