Triggers Help Heal You
A few weeks back I went to dinner with two of my girlfriends and we were talking about a couple of people that we had followed and what not and it was amusing because I’d just seen that a few of them had brought out books recently and I was really triggered by that. I can’t even say was yet. I still am triggered. They wrote books. And got them published. And that’s all I’ve ever wanted to do since I was first exploring the word of writing. But the real thing here is that I didn’t say anything until I saw a mutual follower between one of my friends…
A Passionate Writer
I’m a Writer. I’m loud and proud about that and if I had my way I’d just openly pimp that 24/7 because it’s what I love, it’s not a chore for me, it’s not hard, it’s just what I love. I’ve also written about it over here about declaring that you’re a writer and how it’ll make you feel. I’m also fiery whenever the word Writer is mention and whenever I can actually bring it up. I love heated discussions with other Writers about plots and twists. Ask me about the nitty gritty of writing characters and point of view, even bring up different registers and character archetypes. I’ll fiercely challenge every…
Fuelling your Writing Temple
When I think of food, I always think: Yum, get in my belly! I’m Greek, so if you can’t find a common language barrier, you just feed people. It’s an unofficial rule or something of the like, or at least that’s what I like to think anyway. I grew up around food, the smells of pastisio, moussaka, freshly made bread and kokkinisto (red sauce) meat is something I associated with life. Meals that were made with extra love have always been a highlight in my day. Since moving out and learning about food I decided to nix a lot of things out of my diet (some because it makes me…
How to Beat Down Criticism
I knew that the internet was full of people who were mean, but I never realised how bad it was until it was pointed at me. I never believed that criticism was even a thing that mattered until I wrote an article for the Huffington Post (it’s the one below this page) and I was excited. Ecstatic really! It all happened within a week and everyone that I’d spoken to told me that was basically unheard of. I was so thrilled. I told all of my friends, most of my family and shared it in one of my very awesome and supportive Facebook groups. I went on with what I…
Featured on Elizabeth Kelsey Bradley’s Blog
I can’t believe that I completely forgot to even mention this on here, I know I mentioned it on my Facebook but here is the amazing interview I did over on Elizabeth’s website! It was called Savouring Simplicity and she’s just revamped it and moved servers (heck yeah, I can comment on it now!) and moved over to use her own name. This amazing writer is someone I can’t wait to see what happens with her! Check out my interview on her site over here.
The Shadows: A Book a Week Challenge
One of my goals this year is to try and read a book a week, because it’s easy to do and I love reading but it’s always one of the first things to leave when I get too busy. As a way to hold up my end of the bargain I’ve decided to write reviews of everything I watch and read because, let’s face it, I’m a writer and I pick apart a lot of books and shows without meaning to because I like to see the different ideas that at went into writing the book/show/movie. So I have a few that will come up because I can’t get them…
NaNoWriMo Wrap and what I learned so far
I was swallowed up by the hole that is NaNoWriMo. This year my goal was to see just how fast I can get to 50,000. I managed it in three days with reaching a personal best on the first day of just over 20,000. My highest in previous years had been 17,000 or so, which had me elated and I didn’t even have sore wrists until I finished and went to bed with my wrists in supports. I learned that I’m an immersive creature. I took the week off my retail job to literally run away to Bendigo, where my gorgeous second family lives, and hole myself up in their…
Writing Wednesday
Today’s Writing Wednesday prompt is all about technology. With the upcoming Mercury retrograde coming up we all know that technology likes to go on the fritz. Not fun. So take the precautions and look after your devices! There’s a computer in front of you. Click on the screen to wake it up, what does it say? Explore it and really get down and dirty with it. Send all tries to dreaming(at)dreamingfullyawake(dot)com for a chance at free editing (Valued at $450)
I’m a writer. Are you? #writerlyinsides
I’m a Writer. And so are you. Say it with me. I’m a Writer. Now the trick is to really put feeling behind it. Believe that you are a writer. I was having a lovely conversation with a new friend the other day and she made the comment that she was a novice writer. And I stared at it for a moment and a rush came over to me. It was so fierce that it was probably good that I had armfuls of groceries otherwise I would have dropped my phone. I was so stunned. I hadn’t something like that in a long time. There are so many beautiful and talented…
Writing Wednesday
It’s been a slow week this week. I’ve taken some time to get my writing back on track and get back into the game. I’m fixing edits in my novel. I’m making a deadline and I’m going to keep it this time. Today’s Writing Wednesday prompt is all about spring, because the first day of spring has just passed (well until the equinox anyway!) and the air is a lighter. The air is light, warmer and smells like what? Explain it. Don’t forget to send your tries to dreaming (at) dreamingfullyawake (dot) com for a chance at free editing (valued at $450)