Sharing Sunday – Rampaging Rats
It’s no surprise as to this weeks Sharing Sunday lady is. Susan is back again with another excerpt! I just love her pieces and I’m excited that I get to share pieces that people are willing to send into me. If you’re interested hit me up on Facebook (click on the icon on the right) or check this page out for me details. I’m open for anything and everything! Now onto Rampaging Rats! Rampaging Rats Cleverly disguised as a French artist, Operative Digger travelled to Sydney by train. He then headed immediately for King’s Cross. His first stop was Club Canine, where he hoped to run into some of his…
Sharing Sunday – Major Dakota’s Ghost
I really, really love everything that Susan has sent through. Note to Susan: if you have more and can share them, please do. This week’s Sharing Sunday piece is a snipper from Major Dakota’s Ghost. I think it’s brilliant, but I’ll let you be the judge of that one. Enjoy it! Major Dakota’s Ghost Commander Rocky slipped out of the Major’s office and crept silently along a dark passageway to a dungeon. He could hear muffled voices. He progressed slowly towards them to allow his eyes to adjust to the darkness. As he grew closer he could hear a man’s voice raised about the rest. “Just shut ya yapping, ya…
Sharing Sunday – The Gypsy Curse
Today’s Sharing Sunday piece is by Susan again! This is an excerpt from her series Astro’s Adventure. The books are based on the lives of real dogs and cats. They’re a bit zany and a little whacky but oh so great. The basis of the books in the series is raise importance for animals in shelters and a percentage of the sales go towards Susan’s local animal shelter. She’s currently working on the 7th book! Check out a link to her site down below. The Gypsy Curse An Excerpt In the front seat of the Dog Catcher’s van a small corgi sat listening to the latest call. “Did you hear…
Sharing Sunday – Speed Bump Charlie ABC
Today’s Sharing Sunday piece is by a lovely lady by the name of Susan Day. Her piece is a poem from her children’s book she wrote last year! I’m envious, those things are hard to write! Speed Bump Charlie is her family cat in disguise, he leads a double life as the evil genius in Susan’s novel series. I hope you enjoy the piece, look out for more of Susan around the place too! Speed Bump Charlie’s ABC Welcome to my A B C, I hope you’re not going to be, A chicky-wicky, scaredy puss, A spineless, jelly-kneed wuss. You know the type that I mean, They run and…