• Limits: My Worst Nightmare

    I feel like I’ve had a big shift happen over the last week or so. My thinking cap has been out in full force and I’ve been mulling over things that have randomly popped out into my head. A few of those have been big surprises to me. Some have been what I’ve know for a long time and I’m finally coming home to it. The biggest one it all about limits. Personal limits, writing limits, work limits, life limits.  To me, it’s a little bit daunting. I don’t work well with limits, in fact limits terrify me. They make me feel caged in and make me want to run away.…

  • Rise Up: Going Pro

    When do you sit down and call yourself a writer? A serious, no bullshit, fucking writer. Some never do it. I know I already did. I admitted to it, while I said it. I never actually believed it. Until today. I sat down and opened Scrivener and was like, okay it’s time to really do this. And by this I mean finish this edit so I can send it off to my beta readers. I’ve been resisting really hard with this. Purely because I think I’ve been scared to really show them what I have. This book is my baby, it has been for the last 11 years and I’m…