Writing Wednesdays
It seems normal, almost sane to have Writing Wednesdays, yeah? Yeah! So I have been dying to try and figure out how to make this work. Like seriously. Do i put it out there, or do I try something different? I put it off. I introduced Fully Awake Dreamers, which is still happening but I’ve decided to be a little lighter with posting them, because it needs to be special. This now brings me to something more. Something better. Welcome to Writing Wednesday. What’s the deal with is? Well I’m glad you asked. Today (and every Wednesday from now on) I will be giving you a writing prompt. Something that…
Fully Awake Dreamers – Ru Tripodi
Introducing Fully Awake Dreamers Welcome to the new segment on my blog. It’s all about finding out about those people who sit around behind the computer screen and make things, they also are predominant writers and my friends! I’d love to be able to branch out and interview people who were not friends or I knew of but, one thing at a time. So without further ado I introduce the mind of Ru! You would have seen her beautiful words on Friday. Make her feel welcome! Tell us a little about yourself and what you write. Hello! My name is debatable, but I go by Ru a lot of the…