Why Readers Love Flawed Characters
Today I’ve got a post that I probably started a few times over. I struggled with it, because I’m having a hard time writing anything and I’m having a hard time shaking off the doubt monster but today I’m back with a post about why readers love flawed characters, but to get there first I needed to talk about a few things involving writing. So hopefully you enjoy it. Writing is an immensely personal thing, everyone who is a writer understands that, but the writers without a thick skin tend to get left behind. They tend to take any sort of feedback and get defensive and take it as an attack…
It’s Time to Build a Great Short Story
Last week I wrote about being museless, today I’m hear to tell you, my lovely dreamers, that I wrote a short story. Last night I crept out of my room, fed up with my brother’s snoring (seriously how the hell can he keep it up ALL night?) I started up my laptop, lit a few candles and went through my hard drive for a starter and found two I liked. I picked one that pulled me a little more intense and started writing. I didn’t really know where it was going but it ended up being a short story from a different book with a character whom I had no…
Fully Awake Dreamers – Ru Tripodi
Introducing Fully Awake Dreamers Welcome to the new segment on my blog. It’s all about finding out about those people who sit around behind the computer screen and make things, they also are predominant writers and my friends! I’d love to be able to branch out and interview people who were not friends or I knew of but, one thing at a time. So without further ado I introduce the mind of Ru! You would have seen her beautiful words on Friday. Make her feel welcome! Tell us a little about yourself and what you write. Hello! My name is debatable, but I go by Ru a lot of the…
The Blog Hop: Four Secrets About My Writing Process
So today I’m actually excited and doing something very different. Finally scanning through my reader on here, I found that Tom had tagged me in a blog hop where I’m spilling some close kept secrets (or not, because I had no secrets on this blog, ha!) about my writing process. This is going to be a little jittery but hey, let’s go! What are you working on? Currently I’m working on my first novel’s second draft. It’s been a beast in the making but I’ve also got so many different ideas running through my head. Like today I was walking in the rain and had a cool scene in my head.…
Sharing Sunday – Nightfall
My beautiful friend Av is my first victim dreamer for my weekly Sharing Sunday segment and I have to say that I love her. She is such a beautiful and authentic soul that it’s hard not to smile around her pixie like self. Please make her feel welcome and enjoy what she has for us today, it’s truly sizzling. Nightfall by Avrille Bylok-Collard Are lovers meant to be like this? Figures that dance in clandestine shadows to dissolve in the morning light, like salt in a beaker or fluttering lenses in the night? There are many things I’d sacrifice to press my palms against yours in the full summer sun, caressing your…
Talking to Characters
So today is the start of a new week, one where I’m committing myself to getting back on top of my blog schedule. I was feeling burnt out because I was trying to do too much, again. I really need someone to come and clobber me over the head to tell me to stop doing that. I keep doing it. Damn. Today I had schedule time to do some rewriting of my novel before finishing up some B-School fun sheets but my creativity seemed to take a hold of the day and not let up. I’m totally okay with letting it do this. It’s been a while since I’ve been able…