• The Blog Hop: Four Secrets About My Writing Process

    So today I’m actually excited and doing something very different. Finally scanning through my reader on here, I found that Tom had tagged me in a blog hop where I’m spilling some close kept secrets (or not, because I had no secrets on this blog, ha!) about my writing process. This is going to be a little jittery but hey, let’s go! What are you working on? Currently I’m working on my first novel’s second draft. It’s been a beast in the making but I’ve also got so many different ideas running through my head. Like today I was walking in the rain and had a cool scene in my head.…

  • Staying Positive When It Comes to Rewriting

    I thought that I’d have this down. I thought that writing my second draft would be easy.  I thought I could stay positive when I started the rewrite. I was wrong. So, so, soooo wrong. I was cocky and expectant. I thought that by now I’d surely be able to finish it and be ready and raring to go for more edits. Did you know that only 5% of an a first draft makes it into the second? Five per cent. Do you know how terrifying that actually is? This novel has been a work in progress for 12 years from it’s conception as an idea I had in year 9.…

  • Writing Coaching

    So, I had this huge post prepared for yesterday but I was wiped after work and the little work out I did. I was falling asleep on the couch so I didn’t get a chance to really write down what I wanted. Oh well. It doesn’t matter. I’m taking Rach and Tara’s b-school offer. Check. My next issue was trying to find something that I wanted to really accomplish. Entrepreneurship sounds ah-maze-ing and not because some people are earning the big bucks, but because I can work to my own hours and be my own boss. I can find freedom in that very thought and it’s one that is so…

  • Keeping it all locked inside or not…

    I have to admit something. I used to be afraid of change. I used to be afraid of stepping out of my comfort zone, or letting my heart rate jump up to an uncomfortable flutter in my chest. It wasn’t until I made the decision I worked on for a year and half (I had to wear my tough as paxamadi Greek father) before I went the hell with this and booked the flight that would ultimately change my life. I applied to a writing course. The one I just finished. I met up with the head of the course and was accepted on the spot for a course I…