Sharing Sunday – Jorja’s Poem
This weeks Sharing Sunday piece is one by a family friend of mine. His daughter, Jorja, has Angelman Syndrome and hasn’t had the easiest of starts to life but that doesn’t make her any more beautiful. I’ve watched her grow from a baby and it’s astounding at how tall she is and how gorgeous and room brightening her smile is. She truly is a joy to be around. I should warn you, this poem made me teary, so make sure you bring some tissues along for the ride. Leave Vange a message in the comments and if you’re interested in helping find a cure, reach out, educate people, it helps.
Jorja’s Poem
My daughters name is Jorja, and she is a real social butterfly.
She is almost 8 now, and when we go out in public she demands everyone’s attention.
As she gets older, she is noticing a different reaction to her overtures.
She gets this look on her face that says a thousand words, I have tried to translate that look for her: I see you, I see you
You over there
Don’t just look then look away I have a lot to share .
I smile and a giggle
Before its too late Come and say hello I don’t discriminate I promise I won’t hurt you And I’m sure after we meet
You’ll have a better day
A new spring in your feet.
That awkwardness and fear
Will simply fade away
You’ll realise, just like you I’m living day by day.
I do not see our difference
There’s so much more the same
Life, love, friends and family
A mum, a dad, a name
And next time you meet one like me
You won’t look then look away
Just to be treated like everyone else
Would mean more than words can say.
From Jorja
About the Dreamer
Vange Ignatiou is a husband, Port support, business owner and the proud father to Jorja and Max.