NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 21
I had a full day of retail work today, juggling both of my jobs, I left the house at 7 this morning and had a brief stint at home to change uniforms and then didn’t get home until 6. It was a tough day, I manage to bruise my thigh up pretty well at work so I was not up for much today.
It seems that the universe was definitely on my side and urging me to relax a little. And if it wasn’t that it was getting interrupted through both of my writing wars in the chat, so it’s 10:30 and I’m calling it a night because I’m getting so distracted by everything. I started to get into Milena’s story a little and she’s suddenly turned into a Shaman in training (I freaking love shamanic abilities, ahhh!) so it’s going to be a bit fun to explore that, but that’s about as far as I got and I’m ok with that.
I’m going to come back tomorrow and really hit it hard. I have a lot of words to make up and I want to be further into this story than I am. I might take the time to actually plot out a few key points and see if that helps jog anything.
Words: 1160
Distractions: Work, boyfriend, Rajah.
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