NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 19
Again my writing suffered today. I did not a lot of words and it might be because I’m procrastinating and the story is unknown and unfamiliar to me. To be honest, I don’t really feel like writing, I’ve also had some time at my retail job today and because I’m such an introvert, I always struggle so much when it comes to conversing with people and it’s not that I can’t, it’s that I need to curl up and not talk to a soul for like days afterwards, which is part of the problem when there are people that want your attention or you have more work to do.
So, while I love writing there are days where I can’t seem to bring myself to put my words down on the screen and get them off my chest. It’s too hard. Today I wrote a small scene and the biggest issue I’m having right now is that with DC I’m ageing up the story and losing some really good material I already had. But that’s the joy of writing, I guess.
Words: 91
Distractions: The couch.
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