Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott



So I finished the book and I’m sitting here wondering: Why theĀ fuck did it take me so long to get around to reading it? (sorry about the colourful language. I try not to use it too much out of my fiction work and when I’m really angry or excited).

My answer is: Mandi you had uni and FTCM and work and OB and your novel. That’s a lot of ands.

I finished it and now I’m staring at my book, which fell apart when I set out to read it while it was hot outside, and I keep seeing the gold mine that this book is. There are so many bits and pieces in it. Some that I’ve already mentioned in previous blog posts and some that I haven’t. Each of Lamott’s chapters are easy to read, they’re humorous and I almost want to carry the book around with me all the time.

If there is one book in your life that you ever read about writing, this is the one. Seriously go out and buy it. Go out and seriously do yourself a favour. I’m not sure if you can find it in store, but go to Book Depository and get it. You will thank me later. (Also On Writing by Stephen King, but that’s a no brainer)

Every topic she brings up is put in a way that makes you think that it’s should just be common sense. Or maybe that’s just me. Expect to see more of me randomly musing on her. Also I’ve just started ready Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss. It’s amusing to say in the least.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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