POV: First, Second and Third Person
Episode 018 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to another lesson on Point of view. Today we’re looking at first, second and third person POV. We’re breaking them down and really understanding what they are and what how they can affect your story. Have you ever read a book and really gotten lost in the character’s story? Do you feel their pain or the mistakes that have happened to them or for them? Or maybe you’ve squealed in delight because you can see the way through their actions. And all of this comes down to what POV is used. The major points of today’s podcast are: First-person uses…
What Writing Mindset Coaching with me looks like
This has been a blog post that I have been trying to write and I have been putting it off for a while, but I’ve hit Resistance and I’ve hit my own Self Doubt. Two of the biggest problem that not only myself but sometimes I have worked with time and time again with clients. I call self-doubt by what I know it as: Inner Editor (IE). This voice is the one that tells us that our writing is crap, that we can’t do it and that we’ll never have anything to show for all of our effort. That we’re quitters. Our IE is the reason resistance comes up, it’s…
Welcome to Point of View
Episode 017 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to a new month. You know what that means! It’s new topic time. I can’t believe how far we’ve come. We’re looking at Point of View and expanding on what we learned in our Voice. This week’s lesson is really short and sweet. The major points of today’s podcast are: Point of View or POV is really important to the story. You want your readers to care about your characters. POV is the next level to voice. We’ll be covering: First, second and third person narration, focalisation and distance and closing it off with a really great interview. Tell me…
Character: An Interview with Ru Tripodi
Episode 016 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and our next guest on the podcast. Characters are such an important part of our stories and it’s no surprise that this is the episode that I actually recorded two or three years ago when I decided I needed a podcast, but it seems that the world and my life wasn’t quite ready for it. This interview is such a special one to me, and maybe it’s because it’s one of my close friends or maybe it’s because there was so much laughter and I really got lost in the interview. What you don’t see in this is the number of…
Characters: Getting to know them
Episode 015 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to our next lesson about characters, and today we’re getting to know them. We’re looking at the symphony that it takes to make all of the working parts move in sync. To craft a believable, fascinating and memorable characters there needs to be a point where you start with them. Most of the time we create characters from memory and the mind. Your characters emerge as different versions of the people in your life. The major points of today’s podcast are: Characters are a version of ourselves and the people we see in our lives. The best way to tell…
Character: Desire and the Human Complex
Episode 014 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to our next lesson centred around the desire and human complex when it comes to characters. I want to ask you, first, a few questions: Who is your favourite character? Or characters? What do you think makes them your favourite character? The major points of today’s podcast are: All characters have a living, breathing desire if they are a fully formed and dimensional character. Desire is a driving force of human nature and when it’s applied to characters it creates momentum to drive a story further, which is what we all want our stories to do as we write them.…
Welcome to Character
Episode 013 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to a new month and new topic. Welcome to character. Today we are looking at an introduction on character and how they are the central part of a story. Characters are the core of the story and interact with or influence every aspect and element of a story. Some character will turn up fully formed and others may not. Some may even be a facet of yourself or someone you know but at the same time they will have a mind and body of their own. They will be separate from you but they will also be a part of…
Setting: An Interview with Andrew Irvine
Episode 012 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and our next guest on the podcast. I am really excited for you guys to meet him. Andrew and I met in uni while we were studying psychology and since then we have had a healthy back and forth competitive friendship built on chasing each other’s word counts. In this interview Andy and I talk about all things setting and the importance of how integral setting is to the story. We also cover a different kind of setting, a societal setting that is something that most fantasy authors come across. It’s that one piece of law that makes the story different…
Setting and Character
Episode 011 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to our next lesson on setting. Today we’re looking at setting and characters, the details, the reality and a brief look at pace in time The setting your characters are in is also as important as their voice is to them. With setting it can play a big role in who your character is. A setting elevated how your character dresses, talks, socialise, works, eats etc. Much like animals, humans behave in a certain way in their natural habitat, so placing your character in a space that is familiar to them will make it easy on them, but that doesn’t…
Setting: Place and Time
Episode 010 Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to our next episode on setting. Today we’re looking at Place and Time when it comes to setting and how important it is for your story. When writers talk about place, they mean the specific and definite locations of a story on both a small and a large level. This is where we need to really nut it out, what planet are they on? What about the continent, country, state neighbourhood or street that the characters are in? What does the home they are in look like? Or what about the office building or the castle? The major points of…