I have Writer’s Block
Did that get your attention? I bet it did. It got mine when I realised that I had it. But it’s not what you think. I’m not physically blocked. Not like when Dad passed away and I had to deal with the tangle of emotions I had before I could push through the fog to get there, definitely not like that. I can still write. I write almost every day. Emails. Text messages. Instagram posts. Love notes. Lists. Card explanations. University assignments. Forum replies. I write a lot but I find that I don’t have enough time to relaly write. Did I just echo what you feel? It’s hard to…
NaNoWriMo 2018
It’s here again! NaNoWriMo is here and I’m way too busy this year to try and smash out a ridiculous amount of works and stay sane. Ha! I got a promotion at my retail work and I’ll be deep in my training for my new position as a lighting designer and I’m way excited about it, also a little nervous, but it’s the good kind of nervous! And while I’ll be doing my training it happens to be smack back on a day that I’m at work but that’s not going to stop me. This year I’m revisiting Travis’s book, for the third time. Maybe this will be the charm?…
The Memories that Make Us – Vanessa Carnevale
Whew, it’s been a hot minute since I’ve done a book review. I’ve been deep in the depths of reading for uni and after doing an entire subject on retelling stories and going through the different kinds of stories and how they’re retold. I adored it and I have a totally different view on stories and how each different kind of story “archetype” has lend themselves to the every day stories. As one subjects ends, another starts and I’m currently nearly through my last subject for the year, which is based around short stories, it’s been a challenging semester, that’s for sure. I don’t do short stories all that well.…
Grief isn’t linear
We all know that it has stages. Some say there are five, some say that there are seven, I’m going with the seven because that’s what resonates with me more. But even with the stages, grief isn’t linear. I wish it was, because my life would be a tad easier but I also know that if it was linear I would have so many epiphanies. First, there’s the shock and denial, before the pain and guilt. It’s followed by anger and bargaining before the depression sets in and once you’ve gone through that there’s the positive side of it, the reconstruction and working through the grief before the final stage…
A Passionate Writer
I’m a Writer. I’m loud and proud about that and if I had my way I’d just openly pimp that 24/7 because it’s what I love, it’s not a chore for me, it’s not hard, it’s just what I love. I’ve also written about it over here about declaring that you’re a writer and how it’ll make you feel. I’m also fiery whenever the word Writer is mention and whenever I can actually bring it up. I love heated discussions with other Writers about plots and twists. Ask me about the nitty gritty of writing characters and point of view, even bring up different registers and character archetypes. I’ll fiercely challenge every…
Spectacle by Rachel Vincent
Oh my, so in case you’re new around her, one of my favourite authors is Rachel Vincent. And I’ve followed her around (without being or sound at all stalkerish) for close to 13 years, since I picked up her debut novel by chance. If you don’t know what I’m talking about go and hunt down her Shifter series. You’ll thank me later. Anyway, I’m trying not to digress here because today I’m talking about Spectacle the stunning sequel to her novel Menagerie. And in case you’ve missed that one, check out this post to find out what I thought about that book. We pick up where we left off at…
Dreamer Series: Vanessa Carnevale and The Memories That Make Us
And here starts a new series. I have some pretty amazing writer friends and they’re all doing amazing and wonderful things that make my inner cheerleader flip through the air, one of those amazing friends is Vanessa Carnevale. Vanessa and I met through an online blogging course we did and when we realised we were both writing coaches and writing books we clicked, but really she invited me onto her podcast first and things went from there. I was lucky enough to have the chance to see some early pages of The Memories that Make Us, so I have been so excited to see this process come to fruition. And getting…
Menagerie by Rachel Vincent
Ok, so many of you know that my favourite author is Rachel Vincent (and if you don’t you now know) and I’ve followed her career and freaking loved every book she’s brought out and while I used to be really on top of her releases I fell behind a little when life got a little too busy for me, but that’s also pretty much an excuse, I know it, anyway I’m digressing before I even really start. I want to talk about Rachel’s book Menagerie, I followed along on Twitter as she spoke about how much of a mammoth challenge this book was and it wasn’t until I read it…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 30
The last day of NaNoWriMo 2017 was pretty uneventful. I, unfortunately, had to work all day and it was pretty gross. But I did manage to get some words in which really nice, not really as much as I wanted and I have to admit that the story was finally getting a little easier. I feel like Travis and I were finally getting somewhere and I hope that I’ll be able to get back into it. I have a little more notes now and I’m fleshing out the story. While I’m going to be working predominately on a few other projects I will come back to this one. I’m not going…
NaNo Diaries 2017 – Day 29
There was supposed to be more time today, but I did manage to get some words done, which is actually really nice, it wasn’t much, but it was enough to really get anywhere. Having stocktake at work today has made it really hard to want to write. I have been up since stupid o’clock and even though I got to leave earlier than what was said, I did spend most of the time pretty frustrated because my air conditioner isn’t quite working, the man came to fix it and cleaned the filter but it’s still leaking and that makes trying to focus hard. I love the heat but I don’t do…