The Artist’s Way – Week 6
Here we are at Week 6 of The Artist’s Way and it’s been one of my favourite so far. After having read Big Magic by Liz Gilbert there was no shame in having a job that paid the bills while I created my art, which is okay, I’m 100 per cent okay with having a retail job while I study and create because it allows me to do that with a peace of mind and not have to worry.
The theme for this week was recovering a sense of abunance and the topics that were covered were: the great creator, luxury, counting (an exercise) and money madness
I really like not having have to worry and I realised that I become blocked when I stress about money. And it wasn’t something that I noticed until I got a new job that will allow me a little more freedom to play and work. Winning for me. Let’s dig into my summary. Oh it was also really helpful to sit down and track all of my money spending. I noticed just how much I spent and was more mindful about where my money went.
Perhaps there’s a future in me actually being able to save, hmm?
Morning Pages: I can’t seem to keep up with the daily morning pages and I know it’s because they’re mostly like some sort of journaling process that I don’t want to really go all in. And mostly because I’m a bit lazy in the mornings, I am getting better at it, and this week I have been sleeping more because of my cycle, so I’m definitely allowing for that. Maybe it’s time to start setting alarms? I have noticed that I have started to write about ideas that are coming to me and writing that I want to do and have the urge to do. That’s a win!
Artist’s Date: Ahh this one I actually got out of my comfort zone and it wasn’t all that much of a thing, I saw. I have a mild case of anxiety where I need some one to come with me when I go to new things or cheer me on and that’s fine, but I knew that I had to do something this AD and I made it to the cinemas, alone! Wahhooo. I’ve wanted to do this for so long and it was so good to do it. I found that once I was there it was all good and I also randomly picked a day (Valentine’s Day) and found myself in a mostly empty cinema, because who goes to see Resident Evil On Valentine’s Day, alone? Ha! Me!
I had a little synchronicity show up as well, mostly because I’m like oh god this is always so expensive, but I went on a Tuesday, which happened to be cheap day! Which was totally awesome.
Challenges: I didn’t have any challenges beside the damn morning pages. I actually did more of the tasks this week and I’m about to send out my cool postcards that I wrote up, because that was fun.
Synchronicities: It’s funny this week is abundance week and I managed to get myself a new job! Which is fantastic, it’s part time and still in retail but it give me the stability I need while still allowing me to work, study and do my biz things as well and it popped up this week of all weeks. I had to go through two interviews to get there, but I got it!
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