The Artist’s Way – Week 5
This week with The Artist’s Way was all about recovering a sense of possibility. The topic that were covered included: limits, finding the river, the virtue trap, forbidden joys and a wish list exercise
What would you do if you had an unlimited amount of money and time? What wouldn’t you do, should probably be the right answer there. It’s been a fun week and I managed to get most of the exercises done too. Which was actually really fun.
Morning Pages: There’s been a lot of things that I’ve had to process and a lot of it just didn’t want to come out onto the page, I like this week though, it was all about possibilities and recovering them. It made me dream a little bigger and I added a few things to my list or possible writer’s dates that I can do. I need to really work on this though. My morning pages always tend to end up being later than they’re supposed to be…oops. But I’m still scrolling on my phone when I wake up first and that’s something I’m going to need to change I think. Tonight I might keep my phone out of my room and force myself to actually do the morning pages when I first get up.
Writer’s Date: I took myself out to get a smoothie bowl. I haven’t been really adventurous with my writer’s date, mostly because I’m lacking funds and there’s so much work to do, but in the second part of this I’m going to work hard to actually get a little adventurous, I’m also finding that I’m a little more on the cautious side. If I can find an excuse not to go I’ll use it, which is a bit of a problem in itself. Something else I need to learn.
But I do know that I have some issues with going anywhere new alone, but I can totally do this.
Challenges: There were minimal challenges this week mostly because I had loads of fun doing the exercises and trying to really get into them and look at them from a level of wonder. I’ve pretty much discovered that I really want to take a dance class.
Synchronicities: This one is a new one, I didn’t actually find any synchronicities, at least not that I was looking at…well until I pulled some tarot cards…which is another story.
Tell me: what would you do if you had an unlimited amount of money and time? Leave me a comment and let’s put together a bucket list.
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