Walking in This World – Week 8

Another week down. This week is about the sense of discernment and it couldn’t be more timely, really. I’ve had a lot of things happen recently and I think that, as always this workbook is hitting me in all the right places when I don’t realise it. 

How many days this week did you do your morning pages?

I started to do it consistently and I slipped them in when I needed them. So it was whenever i could fit it in and I made sure that even if it was a paragraph it still counted as morning pages. 

Did you do your Artist’s Date this week?

I did! I made the effort to just read something for myself in another room. I’m having some issues with my anxiety as things are opening up so I’m doing small things to make it sacred. Even adding extra baths to it all. 

Did you get out on your weekly walk?

I did. I started my cycle this week and I moved my body to allow the stagnant energy to ease up so I could actually feel better. It was enlightening. 

Were there any other issues this week that felt significant in your self-discovery?

I love the different names of energy suckers in this week: Piggybackers who likes to use your fame to gain their own; Wet Blanket Matadors; Amateur Expert; these are all naming those who try to dim our light and have the ability to fo it if we let them, but we can’t and it was nice to see this in terms that aren’t mine that makes sense. It made a lot of sense with what I have been dealing with of late. 

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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