girl walking on the beach with the writing apothecary words next to her

Setting: Place and Time

Episode 010

Welcome back to The Writing Apothecary podcast and to our next episode on setting. Today we’re looking at Place and Time when it comes to setting and how important it is for your story.

When writers talk about place, they mean the specific and definite locations of a story on both a small and a large level. This is where we need to really nut it out, what planet are they on? What about the continent, country, state neighbourhood or street that the characters are in? What does the home they are in look like? Or what about the office building or the castle?

The major points of today’s podcast are:

  • You want to ground your reader with the place, so they don’t feel like they’re in limbo when they’re reading.
  • Don’t forget about looking at the weather. Would Twilight be the same if it was sunny?
  • Place can affect the action of the story.
  • Time is important to be able to give readers and writers alike a chance to understand your story.
  • Setting can also enhance the emotional landscape.

I love playing with how much time and space are important in a story.

Tell me what did you take away from this week’s lesson?

I’d love to know.

Also, I would really appreciate it if you took the time to rate and review the podcast it helps people find our community and gets the podcast out into the world a little more.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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