Treachery in Death

For anyone who doesn’t know, I adore JD Robb’s books. I haven’t read any of Nora Roberts’ romance novels but her crime fiction? It’s out of this world good. I got too busy to read so I’m waaaaay behind with her In Death series and honestly? I’m also a little bitter about the covers changing. They were these gorgeous black covers with a flower or some sort of item that worked with the story, they all had a different colour and it was so exciting to see what the next cover would be. This book changed it from that to a completely different cover, one where there are more humans on the covers and it doesn’t fit into my aesthetics. If the series wasn’t so long I would go back and rebuy all of the books to satisfy my book cover OCD but that is unnecessary (I have done that with Rachel Vincent’s shifter series though…when they brought out the UK/Aussie version I snapped them up and was mad when they switched the covers of two of the books out, I digress).

Treachery in Death is an interesting book and hopefully you can see why I love it as I talk more about it below.

Back to the book, our main characters are Lieutenant Eve Dallas and Detective Delia Peabody. Dallas is our main narrator and we have more of a background into what is happening to her because the whole series is centred around her. I forgot how likable she was as a character, even though she is so hardarsed but this book breaks down the barriers of her whole façade even further. TID is the 32nd book (I thought it was the 23rd, Goodreads says otherwise) in the series and is probably a book that is much of a catalyst for her because Dallas and Peabody bring down a dirty cop, Lieutenants Renee Oberman in the illegals department.

Robb’s writing is so strong here and I think it’s probably one of her best books in the series. I loved seeing the way that Dallas’ team saw her as a leader and just what extent they would go for her. It was nice to see that Eve’s modesty about her position and the way that she leads her team is what makes her such a great leader. She is respect by her team and loved by them. Every single one of them. They appreciate that she isn’t all about the flashy lifestyle, despite who she is married to and she works her arse off. I’d love to see her move to Captain but I don’t know how she would handle doing all of the paperwork that would come with it. All of the press conferences. Her jam is working the streets and putting the bad guys away.

I have had to restrain myself from buying the next book in the series because my TBR shelf is glaring at me and I’m trying my best to get through it. Ha! Definitely a book I love.

Have you guys read any of the In Death books? If you have tell me what’s your favourite one and why in the comments.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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