The Artist’s Way – Week 3

Here we are at another week of The Artist’s Way. Okay, so I may have stretched this out a little when I took a bit of a break so it’s slightly cheating but I enjoyed it regardless. I actually was doing this week over New Years back home and I started the year of sick, but I got my butt to the beach where I did my morning pages and took a really cold dip in the water to wake me up.

It was really cold, but hey my sinuses were clear for a short time! Ha!

I’m going to break this down a little more with the roundup and actually make it so that it’s easier to write and easier to digest.

This week’s theme was recovering a sense of power and the topics this week were a doozy. Anger, synchronicity, shame, dealing with criticism, detective work and growth were definitely there to get a hold of me.

Morning pages:

So, I sort of feel of the wagon and mostly because I wake up and I start checking my phone. This is a habit I need to try and stop, but also because I’m sleeping so much. I’m sliding into my autumn in my cycle and I know that generally means I need loads of sleep and time to relax and plus I haven’t been working much at my retail job either.

These are all definite excuses. I actually know this, so I’m going to try and make a practised effort to really get back into it. They have helped tremendously and I’m still giving it the free-flowing approach and not holding myself to 3 pages and just doing as many as I feel. It’s helping that’s for sure.

Writer’s Date:

This one has been fun, mostly it’s me taking trips to the beach. This week I went to Brighton Beach for the first time since I moved here (yeah and that’ll be 5 years in Feb…yikes) and it was wonderful. I spent time with myself, I didn’t put my earphones in and listen to music, instead I relaxed, basked in the sun and went for a solo swim. I took my time and it was wonderful. I’m learning more and more about myself every day with these Writer’s Dates. I’m not sure what’s up for next week, but it’ll have to be somewhere in the city, I think.


I didn’t really have any challenge, well except not wanting to move onto the next week, because it’s the week of no reading. None, that’s so scary, but I figured I can get it done now, I’m in Adelaide (again) for my dad’s birthday (third one without him) and my cousins baby’s Christening.

Has anyone been through Week 4? Any tips on surviving? I’m also going to try and ignore TV shows as well…yikes. Leave me a comment with some tips.

Mandi is a writer, reader, dreamer and is breaking procrastinating inner editors, one at a time.

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